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Jeongyeon and I went back to my apartment after taking the take-outs from her father's restaurant. I prepared the food while Jeongyeon was waiting in the living room watching tv.

I brought two plates and two glasses at the table. Then I placed the jjajangmyeon and dumplings too. I sat down on the floor and gave Jeongyeon her plate.

"Let's eat?" I asked her.

I immediately took a big bite of jjajangmyeon in my mouth. As I already tasted it, I chewed while savoring it. It was expectedly tasty.

"This is good!" then I took another bite. Jeongyeon was enjoying watching me eat. We were both in silence as we eat. Jeongyeon was focused on her food and I did too. Besides, it was free.

After we ate our dinner, Jeongyeon didn't stop on insisting that she'd do the dishes. Since I didn't want my visitor to do such a task, we both played rock-paper-scissors.

She was happy when I lost the game, "Yes! Now, go sit at the living and relax. I'll take care of here." she pushed me out of the kitchen.

"Whatever you say, Jeongyeon." I walked through the living room and sat down on the couch. I checked the time and it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. I almost forgot that it was a Sunday. Meaning I had a job to attend to the next morning.

A few minutes later, Jeongyeon was done with the dishes. She sat beside me and gave me a cup of tea. I thanked her and she nodded in response.

"So, Im Nayeon-ssi. What do you want to know about me?" she asked cutting off the silence between us.

I took a sip of my tea while trying to think of a question. "Hmm," I started. "What are your hobbies aside from eating?"

"I love to drive. And yes, that was my car. I'm sorry if I lied. My father helped me buy that car considering the money I earned in my bar." she chuckled. I didn't say anything and just watched her. "I also love to collect Lego's. I find it relaxing to build some things I imagined. Or just build the figure it was meant to have. And," she was stroking her nape, "I love to bake. Both of my sisters taught me how. So that's why I also enjoyed doing it." she finished her sentence and sipped her tea.

"Well, that's nice. Will you teach me how to bake then? I've always wanted to bake when I was younger." I replied.

"Sure thing." she smiled. "Now, it's my turn. I'll ask you something, okay?" I just nodded.

"Did you have past relationships before?" I didn't expect her to ask me this question.

"I, uh-" I was confused if I should tell her about Jennie or not. But I did anyway, "The truth is Jennie, the girl you've met earlier, was my girlfriend. I mean she's my ex-girlfriend." I looked at her waiting for a response but she just stared at me waiting to continue. "It's funny because I was waiting for you to contact me since the day I gave you my number. Then apparently, I received a text message from an unknown number. I thought and was expecting it was you.

"However, it was Jennie. She was already outside of my apartment while we were both texting. And her girlfriend, Lisa was with her. So I didn't have any choice but to let them both in." I stopped for a minute.

Jeongyeon finally spoke, "What did you guys do before I came?" she asked.

"You see, Jennie and I didn't end our relationship well. I broke up with her in the middle of a party we attended back we were in college. She cheated on me if you're asking why I did it instantly. So yeah, after that incident we never saw each other again. Then out of nowhere, she texted me she's already here in my apartment. And finally, we had our final closure." I faked a smile at Jeongyeon. I had no idea why I felt tears falling down from my eyes. But I fought myself not to cry.

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