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I took a quick shower after Jeongyeon informed me about our special date. She made reservations to one of the finest restaurants here in Seoul which made me more nervous.

I wore the dress she bought. She admitted she asked help from her sisters in choosing the dress. She gave me a simple black dress that has an above the knee length. It emphasizes my curves and thighs. It was perfect for my body. "You look perfect," I heard Jeongyeon whispered behind when I was checking myself in the mirror.

My date, however, never failed to amuse me too. Jeongyeon wore a white elegant tuxedo dress. She was handsome and pretty at the same time. Although tuxedos are perfect for men, Jeongyeon still looked chic and sexy. She put on a light make-up and loosen her hair. She was also perfect. I drooled over with her reflections in front of me.

I turned around to face her, "Yeppeuda," I whispered while holding her face. I gave her a quick peck. Her cheeks reddened.

I teasingly chuckled as she tried covering her face. "Let's go?" I asked. She just nodded while timidly smiling.

Jeongyeon was very gentle. She made gestures like what do guys usually do on dates. She opened the door for me, offered me her arms to cling, and opened the passenger seat door. It made me feel special for the night even if we were only starting.

The ride going to the restaurant was quiet. Neither of us talked inside the car. Jeongyeon had her focus on the road again while I was trying to calm myself down. My fingers were nonstop fidgeting.

I suddenly felt a hand on top of mine. "Hey, relax." I glanced at Jeongyeon, she was giving me an assuring smile. I smile a little back at her. "Don't tense up. We'll be fine, okay?" she added.

She then took a left turn and stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. A valet went on Jeongyeon's side then took the car keys and gave an assuring nod. Jeongyeon quickly walked on my side to open the door for me.

Jeongyeon reached out for her hand like those men doing in movies. I showed my bunny teeth in glee as she was showing me how gentlewoman she is.

"Thank you," I uttered while I clung onto her arms again. She genuinely smiled in return.

We walked along the red carpet like we own the runway. Then there was a man standing on the way waiting for us.

"Reserve for two, Ms. Yoo Jeongyeon?" the man spoke. Jeongyeon just nodded. "Okay, this way ma'am." the man led us the way to our table.

"Here's your table, miss Yoo. Please enjoy your night." the man politely said.

"Thank you, Kwangjung-ssi," Jeongyeon responded. Then he slowly walked away.

Jeongyeon then pulled out the chair for me. I sat down slowly like a real lady. She surprisingly kissed my cheek after. I flinched a little with her kiss. She sat down in front of me.

The ambiance of the place was so calm and peaceful. People were talking and eating quietly. Everything was in place. Yet I felt uncomfortable. It wasn't kind of my people. I felt anxious because of some people staring at us.

Jeongyeon touched my hand, "Relax. Don't mind them." she assured me with her smile again. I nodded. "By the way, I already ordered. Just tell me if you want anything else, okay?"

"Okay, I will." my eyes wandered the place. It looks really fancy and expensive. "Are you sure it's okay we eat here?" I looked at Jeongyeon worried.

"Yes. And don't worry about the expenses. A friend of my family owns this place. That's why I also know Kwangjung."

"I almost forgot that my girlfriend is filthy rich." I quietly laughed, trying not to bother the people around us.

"Ani-ya," she softly whined. I still chuckled with her response.

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