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"Since I'm in a good mood now, I'm giving you a week to a plan on how you break up with your girlfriend, arraseo?" it was Jisoo's last words before I left her place.

I needed to make a plan on how to play with Jisoo's game. And hell no, I'm gonna break up with Nayeon. I just need a plan. A perfect plan.

I went to my bar after I had the worst meet up in my entire life. I needed a drink to pass this feeling. I never felt so helpless after encountering the woman who broke me twice.

"You okay?" it was Wonwoo. He handed me a drink as I stared at nothingness. I shook my head.

"You'll get through this, Jeongyeon." he patted my shoulder. "Thanks, Wonwoo." Wonwoo has been a loyal employee and friend of mine. I can't bear the thought of losing him too.

I needed to think faster before losing my employees. But I don't want to lose the love of my life too. I feel so screwed.

"Yow, Wonwoo!" I heard a familiar voice. I checked who the guy was. And I was right, it was that Seungcheol guy, Nayeon's colleague at the firm.

Seungcheol saw and greeted me, "Hi, Jeongyeon-ssi." I smiled back trying not to look rude again. "Hey," he smiled as he heard me.

He was with some guy tagging along. The guy looks like a foreigner though. They both sat on the barstool near me. I decided to sit beside them since I felt lonely and I needed someone to talk to.

Seungcheol was surprised as he noticed beside his seat was occupied by me. "Can I join you two?" I asked them.

"Yeah, sure. Not a prob, Jeongyeon-ssi." I took a sip of my drink after. "By the way, this is my friend, Vernon." Vernon reached out for his hand. "Annyeong! Nice to meet you, Jeongyeon-ssi." I accepted his hand, "Same here."

Wonwoo then approached us, "I see you already met my friends, Jeongyeon."

"You're friends with them?" I asked.

"Yeah, Wonwoo's my childhood friend." Seungcheol butted in. "Anyways, Jeongyeon-ssi. Where's your girlfriend?"

"Home. I came here alone."

"Jeongyeon unnie," an arm was wrapped around me. It was Chaeyoung who surprisingly appeared. "How are you?" then she sat beside me.

"Pretty much bummed." I hit my head on the table. "Chaeyoung-ah, help me!!! I'm glad you're here." I whined.

"Wae? What happened?" I looked up, "Let's talk at my office." I excused myself from Seungcheol and Vernon.

As we both entered the office, I poured myself a whiskey. I needed a stronger drink. Chaeyoung did the same.

"So what's up?" Chaeyoung asked as she sat down on the leather couch.

"Jisoo's been fucking with me."

Chaeyoung choked on her drink. "What?! And who the fuck is Jisoo?! Does Nayeon unnie know?!"

I forgot Chaeyoung didn't know anything about my past relationship. I kept these things from her because it causes me more pain by just remembering it. And I don't like to be teased because of it.

"I mean not literally. Damn it. I should be more careful with my words." Chaeyoung was still confused. "Jisoo was my first girlfriend. I just kept it from you. Just to make this story short, she broke up with me, left me hanging and now out of nowhere she wants me again."

I gulped all the drinks left in my glass and continued, "She threatened my business if I don't give her what she wants. A while ago she told me to break up with Nayeon. And she's giving me a week to do it."

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