Chapter 3

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Chpater 3 Let's Eat

I spent the last five days laying around in bed. Fear took over me, it warned me not to go out or else those two will surely catch me. I felt alone and scared every night. I even stayed away from the windows out of paranoia.

Just thinking about that old man's face creeped me out. I looked over to the clock, it's only 12:30. I let out a sigh and forced myself off the bed.

I lazily dragged my feet over to the couch and turned on the TV. The anchor woman was talking about how the amount of CCG agents were coming over to the 20th ward. I attentively watched, hoping that I'd get more information on Noboru and Rize.

I refuse to believe that they're dead. I know they're still alive. It's impossible for them not to be. After finishing the news, I felt that it was time for me to finally get off my ass and go outside.

I went over to the lady's closet and took out a long sleeve shirt and shorts. Thankfully these shorts are longer, so I was able to put on my disguise. Once I was all in drag, I quietly went over to the door. Right when it flung open, I was startled to see a woman standing in front of it.

"Um...hello. Is Miss Akira Yua, here?" her voice grew stern.

"N-no...I..." I stammered.

"Y-You're not her child are you?"

I stared at her, wide eyed. I had no idea how I should react. Who was this woman?

"I'm sorry, I'm being incredibly rude. Allow me to introduce myself," she put down her briefcase and extended her hand to me. "I'm Yoshiko Mio, I'm Akira's sister."

My heart stopped once those words escaped her mouth.

"You're mother probably didn't talk about me or told you not to talk to strangers. Well, is she inside?"


"She's at work isn't shes? Well maybe after all these years, she's finally taking her life more seriously. Can you tell her that I stopped by and that I'll be bringing something over for dinner."

She ruffled up my hair and gave me a warm smile.

"I'll bring you some sweets or some deserts. You look starved. See ya kid."

Once she got in her car and drove off, I ran out into the streets. I stopped in behind a quiet restaurant and began to throw up. I wiped my mouth and tried to catch my breath.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" I groaned as I hit my head against the wall.

"What am I going to do?"

I have to do it again. I'm gonna have to kill another apartment resident and keep doing it until I feel safe.

Now that I think about it, I should've appreciate Noboru's work. Living on the run isn't as easy as I thought it'd be. I sat down and pressed my face against the cool brick wall. I stayed there for a good hour but my rest was ruined by some man.

"A stray? Looks like it's my lucky day."

I quickly flicked my head up and saw a tall, handsome man standing in front of me. I backed away from him.

"Keep your distance." I scoffed.

"Good thing, no one can see us here."

The man simply smiled and within a split second his eyes changed. With that in mind, I too changed and let out my kagune. The man seemed surprised to see that I too was a ghoul.

"You're not the type of meal I'm looking for tonight. Chao." he changed back and began to walk off.

"Wait!" I cried after him. Surpisingly, he stopped and slightly turned his head to look at me.

"Can...I...can I tag along with you for a while?" I murmured.

"That voice doesn't really suit you." he chuckled.

I pulled off my wig, all strands of hair began to fall over my face.

"Oh, a lady." he smiled and fully faced me. "Why would you, a stray, want to follow me?"

"Right now, I have no where else to stay and pretty soon there will be doves chasing after me once they check that lady's apartment. I just need some place to stay for the night."

"Interesting...alright then, come! You will be my personal assistant for the day." He said in a hardy, enthusiastic tone.


I tucked my hair back in my wig and hurried beside him as he began to walk off. With this guy beside me, I'll at least have someone if the doves catch me. However, this was a total stranger. Why would he be so open to allow me to follow him? Was he at least a bit suspicious of my actions or situation?

But from the way he dresses, I'd say that he has a significant amount of cash on him. Since he's also ghoul, killing him and taking his possessions shouldn't be that hard.

"Why are you hiding your hair? It's lovely." He suddenly asked.

"It's a disguise."

He let out a laugh. "Fantastico!"

"It's just a precaution." My face steamed with embarrassment.

"There's no point in that. You're hair may change but you're face will be unforgettable. I recommend a mask." He continued to laugh. "Whose wise idea was that?"

"My partner thought that it'd keep me safe."

"Why didn't you stay with your partner? Surely, you would've been safer if you two stuck together." He finally stopped laughing.

"We got separated when the doves invaded our home. Now he's...just missing." I sighed.

The man suddenly spun around and gave a good bow to me.

"Mademoiselle, I was wondering if you are interested in coming to my restaurant tonight?"

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