Chapter 14 part 2

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Chapter 14 part 2

"I can smell the friends that you brought with you. I didn't think that you'd back up." He said as he kept smelling the air.

"They're not going to attack you. Just ignore them, this is between you and me."

"Just in case, tell them to leave," His eyes suddenly switched over to his kakugan. "I don't want to hurt them too."

I immediately took out my phone called Kanae.

"Kanae, I want you to take Chie and leave now. Go somewhere safe. I'll call you back when I get the chance." I hung up my phone right before he could protest.

"What do you want Megumi?" He asked.

"I want you to leave the Aogiri and come back with me. You've changed Noboru, this cruel being that you've become is wrong. What have they done to you?"

"You've changed as well. When you were younger, you'd steer towards violence rather than negotiate. Your head strong ways have died down since you joined Kaneki's group." He scoffed.

"I admit I was a stupid child back then, but now I've grown up and realized that it was time to be more careful about these things because I only have one life to live!" I was starting to grow more pissed off by this new personality.

"Are you sure that it wasn't because of Yamori?" He said with a smirk.

"What's gotten into you?! Why are you acting like this...this jerk?!" I finally scolded him.

"He's dead." he quietly muttered. "Why does it matter so much to you? Your living in a much better atmosphere than you were before. You should have nothing to complain about."

Without even thinking, I marched over to him and grabbed him by his jacket.

"Listen to yourself! You honestly think that my happiness is fulfilled by the lifestyle I'm living?! You know better than that, you're the one who told me that being rich or poor is something that you shouldn't care about! It's the people in your life that you should care about!" I screamed in his face but he kept trying to look away.

"Go ahead and say it! Say that nothing matters to you because your eyes clearly say it! Say it!"

"Excuse me, is everything alright over there?!" Both of us turned around and saw that there was a CCG agent by the gate of the park.

Noboru unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I was going to continue to yell at him but then I noticed that his expression had completely changed. He was back to his old self. Being like this, I really missed his hugs and just being near to him.

"Yes sir, it's just another lover's spat! There's no need to worry, we got it here!" He yelled back.

"Alright then, you folks be careful tonight!" The man walked off and crossed over to a different street.

"Shit, that was a close one." he mumbled.

Once were alone again, I immediately pushed him off. I turned my back to him and wiped my eyes.

"What was that about?" I said softly.

"What are you talking ab-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Your still you inside, I just don't understand why you're trying to hurt me." I could feel my voice tremble as I spoke. Soon, it was too much to hold back my tears.

"Did...Did I do something to upset you? Are you...are you punishing me for something?" I turned around to show him how hurt I was. "Whatever I did I'm sorry. But you have to be sorry too because I'm not the only one at fault here. All of this is not my fault."

"Stay out of this. Stay out of my affairs and Kaneki's. Tsukiyama is the better choice for a life of peace and happiness. He's a good guy and I know that he'll keep you safe."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't come looking for me because I won't come back to you. This is it. The end. I've talked to Tsukiyama over the year while you stayed at his place, we made an agreement. He promised to take you in and watch over you. In return, I made him swear to never tell you that I'm alive. I thought it was all going to work well, I haven't seen you in the city for a long time. But then you had to work with Kaneki and get dragged into this. This is my plan. Don't come after me, I'm going back with you. I took an oath."

"Wait a minute-" I reached out to grabbed onto his arm but then he had kagune out and pointed it straight toward my stomach. "Noboru..."

"I'm warning you right now leave me alone and go live your live. Don't waste it."

"Without you in it, my life will be wasted. I know that I won't be fully happy."

Noboru turned his face to me and began to laugh hysterically. Everything in my body began to freeze and crumble up.

"Are you kidding me?! Don't be stupid Megumi. I know that you've grown attached and have feelings for Tsukiyama. You're clinging onto him just like your clinging onto to me. You just don't want to seem lonely."

Tears rushed down my cheeks as his laugh died down and began to march off. Every step he took was the amount of times my heart was stabbed. I didn't want him to leave, knowing that he still had some part of him still alive.

Out of adrenaline and hope, my legs grew back to life and gave me the energy to ran after him. I used my kagune to launch me over to him quicker. I tackled him to the ground and slapped him across the face, leaving a red patch on his cheek.

"HOW COULD YOU?! You bastard, you stupid, insensitive bastard! I was in love with you and you ruined it!! You asshole!" I cried and screamed in his face.

Noboru's face was scared and confused. All he did was stare and take in all of my rage and tears.

"I've searched for you and finally when we treat me like a child! Like an idiot!"

"Let me go or else you'll only end up hurting yourself more." looking at his expression, I felt that he too was sad inside.

I shook my head. Noboru's eyes changed again and pushed me off of him. My head hit the ground so hard that my vision was fuzzy. In my head I could hear Kanae's words repeated over and over:

"I know, that's why I said it. There are people that love and care for you too, you can't just give up on them."

I pushed myself to get up, I rolled on my stomach and struggled to get up. Noboru stopped walking once he heard me stand up. He looked back, his face appeared to be surprised to see that I still bothered to get up.

"I'm not giving up on you, Noboru!" I yelled. "If you want to me to stop searching for you then your only option is to kill me. If you truly have changed then you wouldn't hesitate to do it, unless you're weak."

"Fine, but you asked for it."

Author's Corner:
Whoa I'm on a roll here! Listen to Never Stop (Wedding version) by Safety suit as you read it. I think it really goes well with this chapter.

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