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⚠️Homophobic slurs and abuse⚠️
*2 days later*
"Richie, you need to go home and get some clothes. I'll even come with you."
"I know I do Eddie. I don't want you to come with though."
I didn't want him to get hurt. I look at his eyes that are pricking with tears.
"Eddie, I don't want you to get hurt. I can't have you getting hurt."
"Okay, fine. Please be careful, Chee. Come right back to my house!"
"I will, Eds."
"Don't call me that."
He rolls his eyes. I walk out of Eddie's house and I grab my bike from the front yard. I bike to my house and I see my Dad's car in the driveway. I sneak up to my room and I shut the door.  I manage to pack everything I need, I grab all of the bags, and I'm almost out before the door suddenly swings open. My Dad standing there, I back away but he grabs me. He slams me to the ground and starts to smack me.
"We found out you're a faggot Richard. MY SON WILL NOT BE A FAGGOT!"
"Good I don't want to be your son!"
He punches me one more time before he grabs an empty bottle and slams it onto me. He walks out.
"Disgrace." He mutters to himself. I stand up and I grab everything I need. I throw it out fo the window before I look back  at my room making sure I have everything. I see a small packs of cigarettes on my night stand. I grab the pack along with my lighter. I jump out of the window for one last time. I bike back to Eddie's. He comes running out.
"Chee, what happened?"
"My parents found out I was bi, they started to hit me, and stuff. My Dad said he didn't want me to be his son anymore. I said I didn't want to be his son."
Eddie hugs me and I start to sob.
"Chee, you have me. You will always have me, forever and always."
I smile at him and we set up my room in an extra room. Even though I would be in Eddie's room most of the time. Eddie wanted me to have my own space.
"Thanks, Eds."
He smiles at me and we sit on his bed. Suddenly, the phone rings and it ends up being Bill.
"Yeah, Richie and I will come to to the quarry."
Even though Eddie has his own hoodies, he obviously wants my hoodie. I hand him my hoodie and he puts it on. His perfect figure is engulfed in the hoodie. As we're walking to the quarry, I take out a cigarette and I light it.
"Richie, don't smoke those cancer sticks around me!"
"But, Eddie." I say, purposely dragging out the E. I put it out just for Eddie. When we reach the quarry, everyone is there. I sit next to Eddie    and he rests his head in my shoulder, causing me to blush.
"Bev and I have something to tell you guys." Ben states.
"Well, last night we were hanging out at Ben's and um..."
"Shut up, Richie." Stan says, rolling his eyes.
"That's not what your Mom was saying last night." I say.
"Well, Bev and I are together now." Ben says.
"You owe me, 15 dollars Mike." Bill says.
"You guys were betting on us!" Bev exclaims.
"We all knew it was going to happen." Mike says.
I start to notice that Eddie is being quieter. I drag him off to the side.
"Eddie, you're being really quiet. What's wrong?"
"I just feel like I do nothing to help you with your parents." He mutters.
"Eds, you're literally giving me a place to stay." I state. He smiles at me and I smile.
"Richie, Eddie! You missed Ben and Bev kiss!"
"Fuck!" I yell. I run to the group, grabbing Eddie's hand.
"What were you guys doing in the forest?" Bev remarks. Everyone giggles.
"Nothing, he was asking me if he could pick the movie for tonight." Eddie says.
"Sure." Stan says. Stan squeezes Bill's hand and he cuddles into Bill. They've been dating for a couple of months now.
I want that with Eddie. Maybe I should ask him out.
My mind keeps arguing with itself until I finally, decide that I'm going to ask him out.
"Eds, can I talk to you?" I ask. We both walk away and I can hear how silent it went.
"Eddie Kaspbrak, I like you so so much. I know you probably like Mike or something but I couldn't fight with myself anymore. It was killing me inside, and now that I get to see your beautiful, freckled face every day. I had to just get it out."
"Richie, I like you too."
My brain doesn't register at first. Eddie Kaspbrak likes me!
"ASK HIM OUT DIPSHIT!" I hear Ben yell.
"Eddie, Eds, Eddie Spaghetti, will you make me, Richie Trashmouth Tozier, the happiest person and be my boyfriend?"
You're welcome for that cliffhanger ;)

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