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⚠️Self Harm⚠️
*1 week later*
"Richie, YOU CHEATED ON ME!" Eddie screamed. El came over earlier, and kissed me. She thought I was Mike.
"Eddie, please let me explain." I say.
"No, Richie. I'm leaving. We're over by the way." Eddie states. He slams the door, leaving me alone. I start to sob and Mike and Will walk in.
"Richie, Will and I are going to talk to El and Richie. We both know it's not your fault, it's El's." Mike says. I don't answer, they walk out and I walk into my bathroom. I open the cabinet and I take out a pack of razors. I look at my arm and all the thoughts my Dad and Maggie put in my head.
Not enough.
I was stupid to think he loved me.
I take one of the shiny, silver razors out of the box. I put it on my arm, pressing down, a cut for every thought in my head. 6 in total. I feel my eyes start to tear up. My vision becomes so cloudy that I can barely see my arm in front of me. I clean off the razors and I hide the evidence. I lay in my bed, the blood staining the white sheets. I pick up the Polaroid of Eddie and I that was taken only a couple of days ago. Eddie kissing my cheek while he's on my back. I start to sob.
I cry myself to sleep that afternoon.
*Eddie's POV*
You were so stupid to think he would love you, Eddie. I stare at the picture of Richie and I on my nightstand. My vision clouds up again.
"Richie." I think.
I walk downstairs and Will and Mike are standing at the door.
"Eddie, we need to talk to you." Will says.
I walk outside.
"Eddie, Richie didn't kiss El. El kisses him, El has had a crush on me since we met, and we even dated for a couple of months. She can't tell us apart, she thought that Richie was me and he was trying to push her away. You need to come and talk to him. I think he might — relapse." Mike explains. That was enough to get me going. Of course Mike was talking about Richie cutting. I bike as fast as I can to their house. I run up to Richie's room. I see him laying on his bed.
"Chee?" I softly say. I go to his side and I see a semi-large blood stain on the bed. I start to tear up, I see 6, cuts on his arm.
He relapsed because of me. You messed up this time Eddie.
I try to wake him up again.
"He's sleeping Eddie." Will says.
"He's a light sleeper, Will. He should be up by now!" I explain. I check his pulse while Mike calls 911. He has a pulse.

I'm sorry guys.

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