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Eddie didn't respond. He just kept staring at the floor.
"Eds, I will keep you safe. I can say that we're not going if you don't want to go."
"It's fine, Chee. I don't want to hold everyone behind because I'm scared. You promise to keep me safe?" He says.
"Eddie, I will have that crackhead of a clown kill me instead of you. I promise with my whole life! I love you, Sweet Pea." I exclaim.
"I love you too, Babe."
*Time skip to Friday*
"Eddie, we have to go." I say. I take Eddie's hand and we walk to Bill's house. The whole reason we're doing this is so Bill can find out what happened to Georgie. Eddie knocks on the door and Stan opens the door.
"Come in, guys." He says. We walk in and Bill is laying on the couch watching TV.
"Hey, Big Bill, Hey, Staniel." I say, causing them to both roll their eyes. Ben, Mike, and Bev arrive about 15 minutes later.
"Okay, so we're going to go in pairs. We're going to go in spurs because we know that IT can get us when we're by ourselves. We're going to go in couples and Mike can pick which couple he wants to go with." Bill states.
"Um, I'll go with Ben and Bev because I came here with them." Mike says. We all get on our bikes and we bike to Neibolt. I can see the fear in Eddie's eyes. I take Eddie's hand in mine and every walks in. We walk into what's supposed to be a living room. As soon as everyone is in, the door slams shut and we all turn around. Mike tries to pry the door open but, with no luck he doesn't get it open. Eddie takes his inhaler and I squeeze his hand. I see a piece of paper laying on the floor, I pick it up and it reads:
Missing:Eddie Kaspbrak
Last seen:June 19, 1989
"Richie, Eddie's going to go missing." Ben states.
"My worst fear is losing Eddie." I whisper. Eddie squeezes my hand.
"Let's all spilt up." Bill says.
We all head upstairs and Eddie and I are alone.  In a matter of minutes, I'm alone.
"EDDIE, BABY, WHERE ARE YOU?" I yell. I hear Eddie's voice in a room, filled with clowns.
"This isn't the time to play hide and seek, dipshit." I say. I walk into the room and the door closes.
"Fuck." I mutter. Suddenly, Pennywise pops out of a box, right in front of me.
"Beep, Beep, Richie." Pennywise says. I run and Ben opens the door just in time.
"Richie, where the fuck is Eddie?" Bev yells.
"I don't know! One second he was with me and the next second he wasn't!" I exclaim. Suddenly we hear Eddie scream and everyone runs downstairs. I see Eddie almost getting eaten by It. I grab a poker from Bev and I poke It in the head, just to get it away from Eddie.
"EDDIE!" I run over to Eddie and I see his arm is broken.
"I'm going to snap your arm into place!" I scream.
"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" He screams. I snap his arm into place and he howls.
"Guys, we got to go before It comes back! The door is open!" Mike screams. I pick Eddie up bridal style and I run outside with him. I put him in Mike's bike basket and we all bike to the hospital.
"Eds, you'll be okay. I'm here." I say.
Suddenly, Eddie passes out.

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