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Today is the day, Mike and all of his friends are moving to Derry. I'm going to pick Eddie up because he said he wanted to help. I finally reach the Kaspbrak's house and I knock on the dark oak wood door.
(A/N:I got the idea from Minecraft😂)
He soon opens the door and walks out.
"Hey, Chee." He says before kissing me.
"Hey, Babe. You ready to meet the rest of Mike's friends? The rest of the losers are already there."
"Yeah, lets go!"
I lock our hands together and I walk back to my house. Mike's boyfriend, Will is also going to live with us because his Mom and older brother had to stay back in Hawkins. When we get to my house, we walk in, and I introduce Will to Eddie.
"Eds, this is Will. Will, this is Eds."
"Call me Eddie. Richie has always called me that."
The rest of the losers come in, along with Mike's friends.
"Okay, Mike go and help El and her Dad unpack, Bev, go and help Max, Stan and Bill go and help Dustin, and Ben help Lucas." Mike W says. The rest of us go upstairs to help Mike W and Will unpack.
"Eddie?" Will says.
"Yeah, Will?"
"How did you know you loved, Richie?" Will asks.
"I was really young, Will. Probably 1st or 2nd grade but, I didn't start dating him until a couple of weeks ago."
"I can tell they're going to get along." I whisper to Mike.
"Yeah, I mean they're both really small and stuff." Mike explains.
"Eddie Spaghetti, come here!" I yell out to Eddie.
"Yeah, Chee?" Eddie asks.
"Who wrote, 'Loser' on your arm?"
"Greta Bowie." He mumbles.
"That's why you were hiding you arm, wasn't it?" I ask. He shakes his head. I grab a red marker and I write a large V over the S. Mike and Will both awe and Eddie smiles. He kisses me and we go back to unpacking. Suddenly, Should I Stay Or Should I Go comes on. Will crawls over to Mike and starts to tear up.
"I'll switch the song, Will. I'm sorry." Eddie says, switching the song.
"What was that about?" I ask.
"When I was 7 my parents started to fight and when they would my brother, Jonathan would Okay this song to drown out their fighting. When I was in The Upside Down, I would sing this song to make myself feel better." Will explains.
"Oh, I'm sorry Will. My Dad died when I was 4." Eddie explains. This ends in all of us in a group hug. We soon finish unpacking all of Mike and Will's stuff.
"Let's go and see how everyone is doing." Mike suggests. We all agree. Eddie hops on my back and we go and see how Bill and Stan are doing. We go over to Dustin's new house and we knock on the door. Dustin opens it, Stan and Bill behind him.
"Hey, guys. Do you wanna help us paint Dustin's new room?" Bill asks. We all agree and we go to Dustin's new room. I help Eddie get his smock on and I kiss his nose. Dustin is painting his room a dark blue. Around 8, we finish and Will, Mike, Eddie, and I head back to my house. We decide to watch Ghostbusters in honor of Will and Mike moving in. Around 10:30, both Eddie and Will fall asleep.
"Richie, you can have the spare room. Will has nightmares and stuff and I want to be with him." Mike explains.
"Or do you and Will wanna fuck?"
"RICHIE!" Mike yells, causing Eddie to stir.
"Baby, go back to sleep." I play with Eddie's hair and he falls back asleep.
"I'm going to take Eddie upstairs. Goodnight, Mike." I grab Eddie bridal style. I lay him in my bed, I press a soft kiss to his forehead. I almost fall asleep myself until I hear a blood-curdling scream.

Mike and Will are so cute.

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