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⚠️Homophobic slurs⚠️
I'm awaken by a blood-curdling scream. I sit up and I latch my hand onto Richie's hand.
"Eddie, lets go and see what happened!" Richie exclaims. I see Mike and Richie running towards the scream. I see Will next to me, obviously scared.
"I'm scared, Eddie." Will says.
"Me too, Will."
When we get downstairs, we see that the door is wide open. Will and I walk outside to see Beverly, Max, and El skateboarding.
"Guys, it's literally 11:30. Why are you skateboarding?" Mike asks.
"Max is teaching us how to skateboard." Bev yells. I go to Richie's side and I sigh.
"Can you please be quiet, Eddie and Will are trying to sleep." Richie says.
"Okay, we're going to Bev's anyways." The 3 of them walk off to Bev's house. We all walk back into the house.
"Chee, I'm tired." I say.
"I know, Eds. Let's go upstairs and sleep." Richie picks me up and I cuddle into the crook of his neck. I soon fall asleep.
"Eds, wake up! We're going to the quarry with everyone!" Richie exclaims. I rub my eyes, tiredly and I sit up. I change into my clothes, take my meds, I eat, and I brush my teeth. We bike to the quarry. When we get there, the girls, Bill, and Stan are there.
"Hey, guys!" Max exclaims!
"Hey, Stan the Man, Big Bill, and Molly Ringwald." Max and El give a questioning look to Bev.
"He has nicknames for all of us. Eddie is Eds, Haystacks is Ben, and Homeschool is Mike. We call him Trashmouth." Bev explains. Once everyone gets to the quarry, we all strip, besides for El and Max.
"How are you comfortable stripping in front of all of them, Bev?" El asks.
"Well, first of all most of them are gay, Ben is my boyfriend, and I've known Mike for a while. Plus, Lucas is dating Max and Dustin is dating Susie so I don't really care." She exclaims. Everyone jumps off and we swim, play chicken, and look for turtles. We get out and dry off. Everyone leaves besides for Eddie, Will, Mike, and I.
"Hey, look it's the fags!" Richie and I know that voice, Henry Bowers. Richie instantly stands up.
"Look it's Henry, the asshole." Richie says.
"Shut up, Trashmouth!"
"That's not what your Mom was saying last night."
Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. I look behind and I see the Mike and Will's bikes weren't there.
"I will hurt him." Henry says. That was enough to set off Richie. He tackles Henry, he lets me go. Richie keeps punching him, without stopping. Henry obviously gets some punches in. I try to pull him off, I have no success. Richie only stops when Henry is almost unconscious. We grab our bikes and we bike to Richie's.
"Richie, you didn't have to do that for me." I say.
"I won't let anyone hurt my Eds."

We love how caring Richie is lmao.

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