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*5 months later*
"Happy 6 months, Eddie Spaghetti!" I yell across the hallway. Our whole school knows that we're dating so, it's okay. Everyone doesn't care besides Henry of course. Eddie runs across the hallway and jumps into my arms. I carry him to our lockers. They ended up being next to each other and we have a lot of classes together. Our friends meet at our locker just as I'm giving Eddie his gifts.
"I love you, Chee."
"I love you too, Eds."
The bell rings, signaling we have 5 minutes until we have to go to our home room. I walk Eddie to his home room, before giving him a big kiss.
"I'll meet you outside before we go to 1st period."
"Okay, Bubba."
Eddie walks in and I smile, I'm so lucky to have that boy. My home room is only a couple classrooms down from Eddie's, I make it there just in time. I sit next to Stan and Will. The announcements come on. Our teacher doesn't really care what we do in homeroom as long as we're not running around.
"Did Eddie like the flowers and chocolate?" Stan asks.
"And the picture frame." Ben adds.
"He loved it. Thanks for helping me guys!" Our homeroom teacher is lesbian so she likes me and Eddie.
"Richie, you and Eddie have been dating for 6 months?" Ms.Buckley asks.
"Yeah." I say back. The bell rings, I grab my bag and I run to Eddie's homeroom. I'm met with a smiling Eddie. I lace our hands together and we walk to our first period, which is Algebra 2. Our regular math teacher isn't here so Eddie, Stan, Bill, Ben, and I push our desks together and work while talking.
*6 hour time skip*
The last bell rings, signaling that we can go home for the weekend. I meet Eddie at our lockers and we pack up. Thankfully we only have history homework. Eddie and I walk outside and across the field just to met with Henry and his goons.
"Eddie, run back across the field and to my house." I whisper to him, and with that he's off. I don't care that I get hurt, just not Eddie.
"What's up, Bucky?" Henry spats at me.
"Nothing, just banging your Mom."
"Are you sure your not banging that faggot, Kaspbrak?"
"No one insults Eddie." I growl, tackling him. Throwing punches at him until someone drags us apart. My nose, bleeding and probably broken. My lip bleeding. I turn around and it's Stan and Bill.
"Let's go, Richie. Eddie is probably almost at your house." Bill says. When I get home, Eddie has let himself in and is talking to Will and Mike.
"Chee, lets go and patch you up." Eddie says, taking my hand. He manages to patch up everything.
"How did you get beaten up this time?" Eddie asks.
"Actually, I threw first punch. He insulted you." I state.
"Richie, stop getting hurt because of me!" Eddie screams.
"I'm just letting everyone know that no one is hurting my Eddie. I'm sorry." I say, whispering the last part.
"Oh, Chee, it's okay. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Let's go to my room."

This chapter was long.

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