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"Eds, I'm scared. What if I end up dying?" Richie asks me on our ride to the hospital.
"God forbid, Richie! You probably just have the flu. You were also constantly throwing up." I say, I squeeze his hand as we turn into the ER parking lot. We walk in and a doctor immediately takes Richie and I into a room. I tell the doctor Richie's symptoms as Richie is getting an IV.
"Yeah, Chee?"
He pulls a box out of his back pocket and smiles at me.
"I was going to do this at the quarry but you know how that went. This ring really means that I will never ever leave you, I love you so much, Eds. I hope that you accept this promise ring."
"Of course I do, Richie. I love you too."
"Right hand, Eds. The left I'm saving for when I propose to you."
He wants to marry me?

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