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I'm going to kill that bitch Sonia. My perfect boyfriend, who's only 87.4 pounds thinks he fat.
"And now she made me think I'm fat." Eddie mutters.
"Eddie, you only weigh 87.4 pounds. You're almost underweight." Dustin states.
"I know, Richie helped me though. I'm going to go to therapy for it." Eddie states. I rub circles into the top of his hand and I pull him into my lap.
"I'm proud of you Eds. I love you."
"I love you too, Chee."
I press a kiss into his lips, making him smile. Which is all I care about.
*6 days later*
"SCHOOL'S OUT FOR WINTER BREAK!" I yell, lifting my middle finger up to no one. Eddie giggles and my heart melts. We walk to Eddie's house, and Eddie unlocks the door.
"Eddie, Richard." Sonia spats. Eddie goes to grab a cookie out of the cabinet and Sonia grabs his hand.
"Eddie-Bear, you know you can't eat that. You'll get fatter." Sonia explains.
"Shut up, Sonia. Eddie is perfect just they way he is." I lift up Eddie's shirt exposing his ribs.
"Look at this, Eddie is almost 14 and you can see his ribs popping out of his body. If you can't accept that this boy is the most perfect human to ever exsist than I'll take Eddie."
"Fine Eddie will decide who he wants to go with." Sonia explains.
"I want to go with Richie. You always make me anxious and I can't even have a fucking cookie without you fat shaming me!" He yells. I squeeze Eddie's hand.
"Fine, go and pack up you clothes and don't expect to come back here." She explains. We rush upstairs and we pack all of Eddie's important things.
"Chee, can I stay with you?" Eddie asks.
"Of course you can, Baby. I'm sorry for getting you kicked out." I state.
"It's okay. I don't want to be here anyway, Bubba." He explains. We bike back to my house and we explain to my parents what happened.
"Of course you can stay here, Eddie. I never liked your Mom anyway."
Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and there stands the cops.
"Edward Kaspbrak and Richard Tozier we need to talk to you."


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