jeremy x reader

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Female reader, it can easily be changed.

So i have a boyfriend. We've been together for two years and nobody knows yet. Not even his own best friend,

My brother.

I was currently at his house, after a night of unadulterated fun, and i just woke up to him shirtless and asleep.

I smiled at the sleeping boy, whose grip on me was impressive considering his lanky figure. I booped his nose and he made, well i dont even know what to call it. A noise. It was adorable tho. I giggled softly at my love and leaned into his terrifyingly strong and aggressive snuggles. I heard him groan, indicating he was awake.

He took a hand off of me and ran it through his messy brown hair. He opened his eyes and pulled my waist (somehow) closer to him with his other hand. He fixed his gaze to me and my *nude* body and the many bruises he left behind.

"Good morning gorgeous"

He said groggily, making me blush.

"Good morning, jer-bear"

He laughed at his dumb nickname and used both hands to hug me, which i graciously accepted. I took this time to just relax and really feel him on my body and experience the feeling i currently have.

It felt good.

Jeremy nuzzled his face into my neck and kissed it, making me smile and blush. I lovingly grabbed his hair and stroked it. I feel him smile against my skin and pull away, resting his chin in the middle of my chest on my collar bone. I smiled at him and he made a stupid face, to which i made another stupid face back.

"I think it's time for breakfast, dont you agree lovey?"

I cringed.

"Jeremy, what did i say about bad nicknames?"

"Cant help it. I love you too much."

"You're an idiot"

"Im your idiot"


Jeremy got out of his bed and helped me out. My legs wobbled and i almost fell, but jeremy caught me.

"Hehe, sorry"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and stepped on his unwieldy and big feet to help myself stay upright. Jeremy wrapped his arms around my waist to assist me. He kissed my forehead in the process.

"Okay, i need to let you go so i can put some clothes on. Lay back down on the bed."

"Can you get me some clothes too?"

I whined as he led me to the bed and walked to his dresser.

"Of course baby"

He smiled.

I dreamily sighed and let myself fall back onto the mattress.

I suddenly felt my panties, my socks, and a striped shirt hit my face.

I sat up, holding all the articles of clothing in my hands.

"Jeremy, i need more clothes than this you goose."

"No you dont, my dad isn't even home yet."

"Jeremy, please."

Truthfully, i didnt want my legs to be exposed for so long. I have fat thighs haha so relatable

"Ok, fine."

He threw a pair of boxers my way, which wasnt exactly what i wanted, but it was close enough.

 Bmc/deh X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now