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You know some people like the wilderness and some don't. I fall under the in between. I like quiet time fishing or hunting deer and squirrel, but a fucking wendigo is not on the list. It does not feel good to be the prey. We were deep in the woods just along the mountains looking for a cave or something. We kept in finding little markers from where it was, or where it got another meal. We followed the little trail the wendigo left for hours until we actually found a cave. We all had bag across our shoulder and guns in our hand.

"Who has the flashlights?" Dean asked.

"I do." I said getting them out. I handed them one and closed the bag. We continued on foot very carefully. We found the main part of the cave, with multiple dead people and a whole bunch of bones. As we were looking over the sight I saw someone move their head up. I walked over and made sure that they were alive. "Ma'am? We're going to get you out of here." I said untying her wrists and ankles. She fell into my arms. "Sam! Get her out of here please!" I said trying to keep her awake. He came over and picked her up. She was barely even breathing. He walked out and me and dean went deeper into the cave, yes deeper. We found the thing sleeping in a pile of leaves and grass. I looked at it and saw it was waking up. It shot open its eyes and roared with anger. We shit at it until I was smacked across the cave. I landed on hard rocks, not hitting my head but still fucking hurt. I tried to collect myself until I saw dean being held up against the wall with no way of getting out. I knew that he was dead if I laid here. I got up and grabbed both my gun and deans and shot the thing in the head, arm, and chest. When the thing fell to the ground temporarily, I grabbed the wooden stake and pushed it into the wendigos heart. When it was dead I got off of it and ran to deans side. He was unconscious and breathing. I slung his bag and my bag on both of my shoulders, along with the guns. I picked him up bridal style and carried him out of the cave. Sam met me at the cave entrance and looked worried.

"Is he breathing?" Sam asked.

"Yes he's breathing. He should wake up in a few hours." I said. I continued to carry dean out of the forest to the car with Sam right behind me. I opened the backseat and sat dean up. Sam places the girl next to dean and got in the drivers seat.

"You're pretty strong." He said.

"Yah I guess." I said with a laugh. We drove to the hospital and dropped off the girl and drove back to the motel. I still carried dean into the motel room and set him down on his bed. I unloaded the bags and cleaned up deans wounds. Sam cleaned up mine.

~Time Skip~

Dean finally started to wake up after hours.

"Good morning sunshine would you like a burger?" Sam asked.

"Yes please. And thanks Sam for carrying me." Dean said. I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to brag.

"Oh um I didn't carry you. Anna did. Out of the cave, forest, and to the room." Sam said handing dean a burger. Dean looked at me and smiled to himself.

"Sorry." He said.

"It's fine. Also how's your arm? You fell on it pretty bad." I said.

"My arm? Hurts like hell but it's probably fine." He said. I nodded and grabbed some ibuprofen for his arm.

"Two right?" I asked pouring the pills in my hand.

"Yeah." He replied. I handed them to him and sat back down. It was just about 2 in the morning and I was actually really tired. But I wanted to make sure dean was okay before I went to bed. I slipped under the covers and turned over. I fell asleep after saying goodnight to the brothers.

I know this one is short but... I'm tired and I have a low idea percentage right now. My phone is practically dead and like I said before I'm tired. This is a fill in until I figure out the next milestone in the story. Also this is like a sorry gift because I feel like I've been lazy. So sorry and here you go. Enjoy!

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