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Still Sam's POV

"Are you alright?" I asked turning back to look at her. She had her walls up, I could tell. She gave me no answer, just a glare. "Will you talk to me?" I asked trying to get her to respond. Her daggers still staring into my soul. "I'm going to take that for a no." I said turning back around. What even happened to get us here. I thought I was making progress, she opened up to me and now I'm shut out completely. The only response I get is a deadly glare. What happened this morning. Why is she so cold, what did I do? Wait was it something I did?

I had my nightmare... god it was horrible. It was me losing her, to a fucking vampire. I heard her screams before she died. I woke up, stumbled over her bag, woke her up and spent those wonderful hours together. Just sitting there, listening to the music she liked. I watched her be a goof. She got tired and rested her head on my shoulder. I played with her hair until she fell back asleep. I took out the earbuds and put up my laptop. I set her in bed and let her sleep til dean woke her up. Did I accidentally do something to set her off? This isn't the scared self defense. This is angry self defense. She's mad. Why is she mad? Is it because I pulled her off if that dude? What did I do?

~Time Skip~

We pulled up to a small diner in the middle of a town that we were passing through. Dean stopped the car and got out. I followed and walked in with dean. Anna followed behind but not to close. She sat across from the both of us not making eye contact or conversation. The waitress came by and asked for our orders. Dean got the special, I grabbed a Cesar salad, while Anna got some chicken strips. She sulked into her not to obvious ball and sat there sipping on her coke. When the waitress came beck she handed us our food.

"Um ma'am do you sell alcohol here?" Anna asked.

"We do. You want some?" The waitress asked.

"Please and thank you." Anna said again.

"What would you like?" The waitress asked with a smile.

"The hardest stuff you got." Anna said with a smirk. The waitress nodded and asked for her ID. She came back with some moonshine and smiled. "Thank you, you just made my day." She said. The waitress nodded and walked away. I watched Anna pick up the glass of moonshine and smile. She looked at us and glared at me. I glanced at dean who looked like he really wanted some. She took a big swig out of her cup and drank it down like it was nothing. We ate in silence, once we were finished we walked back to the car and began driving. We got to a motel that was close and checked in. She claimed a bed, placed her bag on it and sat down.

"Will you talk to us now?" I asked carefully.

She didn't answer for a bit. "Let's just work the case." She said rolling her eyes. "And for heavens sake stop looking at me like I'm going to explode!" She said walking into the bathroom.

"So, how about we split up and one group can look at the bodies, while the other talks to the family." Dean said taking over. I nodded. She walked out and looked at us.

"I'm going alone. I don't need a partner." She said looking into her bag. I nodded and found my suit. We all changed and got in the impala. "I'll go and look at the bodies and grab the reports. I'll meet you at the motel." She said. We nodded and drove. We dropped her off and drove to the families.

~Time Skip~

We found her sitting on her bed with all of the reports and her laptop, open and read. I pulled out my phone and tried something. I sent her a song, Believer, By Imagine Dragons. Just to try something. She picked up her phone and saw it. She looked at me without the glare or hate. It was confusion, but not hate. She plugged into her headphones and listened to it. Then I got a text message. She's actually going to do this. I never thought she would reply. She sent me a song Happy Pills by Weathers. I also plugged into my earbuds and listened to it. The meaning of the song was real, it was there. I could tell she could have related to it. I sat there confused. Is this a way to communicate with her. Music? I want to try my theory, I'll find a song to show my emotions and hopes she replies. I sent her Painkiller from Three Days Grace. She opened it and listened to it. She looked at me with sad eyes. I smiled slightly, she looked back at her phone and then back to me.

Anna- I'm sorry... I've been a bitch.

Me- it's okay. You want to talk about? I'll listen, because I could be your painkiller.

Anna- I'm alright Sam, thanks for caring. Let's do this more often.

Me- dido

She looked up and smiled. I smiled back, it was just us. Us two in the room, city, county, country, world. Just us. It was perfect, the way it should be.

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