Lesson That Hurts The Both of Us

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Still Sam's POV

Just when I got to the main room the metal door was being closed. I sighed to myself and wiped away any tear that was still there. I really shouldn't have done that. Why am I so stupid?! I walked up the stairs and out to the car where Dean was putting his bag in, Anna was sitting in the front seat where I always sat. I've been expelled to the backseat like I thought. I was mentally beating the shit out of myself for what I had done. The only time that me and Anna had ever had a fight was when she got stabbed and she wanted to go on a case with me and Dean right after. I put my bag in the trunk and was about to get in the backseat.

"Sam what the hell did you do?" Dean asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked not really paying attention to him.

"Why were the two lovebirds fighting in the hallway and why are you expelled to the back?" He asked.

"I told Anna that she couldn't go to Colorado and she got mad. I was just trying to make sure that she was safe, but all I got was her being pissed at me and guilt." I said looking at the floor.

"Man you fucked up." Dean said closing the trunk.

"I fucked up." I admitted. 

"Big time." Dean said.

"Big time." I repeated getting into the car. Dean followed and Anna looked back at me in the side view mirror. We made eye contact but she looked away before I could mouth 'I'm sorry'. Dean started the car and we took off to somewhere in Colorado. 

The car ride was long and quiet, and this silence wasn't comfortable no, it was filled with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. It wasn't pleasant for anyone of us but all three were too afraid to break it. We took a few stops to eat at lunch and dinner but right now it was about 11:50 and the only thing I could do was sit in my wet juicy guilt stirring the big ass pot of 'you fucked up' with my ladle of 'what's gonna happen now'. No one has made a peep except for when Dean asked if we were hungry and where we wanted to eat. What the hell is gonna happen now? I know shes mad at me, I know I messed up. I know that what I did was wrong, I know that shes not going to talk to me for a while. Wait! Did I just screw everything that we had up and out of the window?! Did I make her not want to be with me? Did I ruin our relationship? Is she gonna dump me? Am I ever going to get the chance to show her that I'm sorry? Will things be the same? I just messed up everything, I really hope that we don't get separate beds because if we do then I know for sure that I'm in the doghouse. 

I was to busy worrying about things to even realize that the car had stopped and Anna got out. Dean smacked the seat and got my attention. I jumped and looked at him, and then the empty seat next to him.

"We're here, you might want to get out of the car before I lock you in it." He said, I nodded and unbuckled the seat belt. We both got out of the car and got out our bags. Anna was already in the office getting our room so me and Dean waited by the car. She came back with two keys and handed one to Dean and kept the other one to herself. I knew that she would act like I wasn't there. We headed to our room and when Dean opened the door I saw three beds. Three beds... I'm in for some shit. We walked in the room and I set down my bag on a bed. Anna saw what bed I had claimed and chose the one that was farthest from it. I'm in for some big shit. 

"I'm tired so lets just get some sleep and start in the morning." Dean said taking the only bed left which was in the middle. Me and Anna both agreed with him and we all got ready for bed.

Anna's POV

The whole car ride was horrible, I know that he is beating himself up for it, I know that he thinks that something bad is going to happen. But I know what I'm doing, I'm teaching a lesson the hard way. He's not going to get away with this. he's going to sit and think about what happened and what will happen if it happens again. I hate doing this to him but I can't let that slip. I asked for three beds, and I chose the one farthest away from his. This case is fully professional, there will be no hugging, holding hands, kissing and or making out. We started to get ready for bed with each of us taking turns in the bathroom. Both boys made their ways to their beds and I stayed up a little longer listening to my music. I had turned off the lights earlier and made sure that the windows and door were completely locked and shut. I may have trust issues and or paranoia from my childhood. After a few songs I began to grow sleepy so I turned off the music and unplugged the earbuds. I turned off my phone and plugged it up on the charger. I turned over facing the boys and could clearly see the giant I call my baby. I felt really bad about this, I hate seeing him upset but he needs to know that he can't control me or tell me what to do in that manner. I'm sorry Sam, I really am. My eyes started to get droopy while staring at my boyfriend that I wished were in the same bed as me. Sooner or later I was fast asleep in a blank dreamless void. 


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