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Anna's POV 

"Did you kill those people?" I asked trying to make the best of this situation.

"Yeah, I did. Their screams were orgasmic." She said with a smirk. 

"That's gross as fuck." I said turning my head to the floor in case something came up.

"Whatever." She said with a shrug. What is she waiting for? I'm vulnerable so why isn't she attacking? Is she not hungry yet? This whole thing is disturbing.

"If you kidnapped me, drove me here, tied me up, and put that much effort into this why haven't you attacked me yet? Are you waiting for me to find a way out so you can chase me? Are you not hungry? What's up, why are you just standing there?" I asked curious.

"You talk to much, I'm not hungry alright. But when I am then I'll chow down on your fat and brain juices." She said walking closer. Shit here comes the pain. She bent down so our faces were inches apart. She placed her hands on her knees and smiled at me like a creep. "Until then, let's have some fun shall we?" She said slapping my face. I threw my head back and she bent down again. Her face was so close I took advantage. I threw my head back forward and slammed it into hers. She flew back on her ass as our foreheads collided and I smirked to myself for catching her off guard. "Bitch!" She yelled rubbing her forehead.

"You had it coming don't act surprised." I said proud of myself. 

"Bitch you better watch yourself." She said standing up. "Now we're really gonna play." She said pulling the knife from the back of her belt. Shit, I fucked up. Boys you better make it here quick this is gonna hurt.

Sam's POV

We were half way there going about 125 down the back roads. If Dean pushed the Impala further then she might break down. I was praying that she wasn't hurt even though she probably is. If shes dead then I'd die with her. I'm on the verge of tears just thinking about all of the possibilities of what bad can happen. I really need this car to go faster. I'm nauseous and cold and warm at the same time. My nerves are over the roof and I feel like throwing up. Dean is definitely just as worried as I am because he keeps pushing down on that pedal hopping to get there faster. 

"Dean what if we get there and shes hurt really bad?" I asked letting my thoughts get the better of me.

"Then we take her to a hospital after killing the bitch who took her." He said.

"What if shes not there when we get there?" I asked.

"Then we find her." He said.

"What if shes..." I said trailing off getting scared at the thought.

"She won't be! That's not gonna happen, I'm not gonna let it." He said pressing down on the gas petal harder. We thrust forward as we were hitting around 155. I checked the map again and we were almost there. 

'Dean were almost there. Just a few more miles." I said, he pressed down a little more and we were at the outer side of a town. The map said it was right there in front of us. "We're here, that building there." I said as he slowed down. He pulled in front of an abandoned office building. I put my phone in my back pocket and got out of the car. I opened the trunk and put my knife between my belt and pants, I put a gun in my hand and a machete on my belt. Dean loaded up and closed the trunk. We headed for the broken glass door and SWAT teamed each floor looking for her.

Anna's POV

She punched me for the fifteenth time in a row and my lip was busted from the fifth. My nose is bleeding, my forehead is bruised from the head bump an hour earlier, and my cheeks are all cut and scratched. My arms are bleeding, my leg is most likely broken, and my stomach hurts like hell from the kick. I'm dizzy and lightheaded from all of this and I thin I'm hearing things. She got off of me and began to sit my chair back right side up after she kicked my stomach knocking my chair to the floor. I think I hear doors being busted down, down the hall. She stopped after hearing it too and smirked at me.

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