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"So where next?" Dean asked.

"Where do you want to go next?" I asked looking at him.

"Um... let's go to the little cafe down the street." He said with a shrug. I nodded and we headed off to the cafe. We walked in and were greeted with the sweet scent of coffee and vanilla. I smiled and looked at Sam. He smiled back and we sat down at a table. I took a look over the little chalkboard menu and found something to eat.

"Hello, are you guys and gal ready to order?" A cute waiter asked. Yes he may be cute but Sam is even better.

"Yeah I think we are. Right boys?" I asked looking them over. They nodded and I continued. "I'd like a caramel coffee, with some pumpkin pie." I said with a smile. Sam glanced at me and blushed. The boys ordered what they'd like and he walked away. Dean became busy with a cute girl and left me and Sam together alone at the table. "Why did you blush like that when I was ordering?" I asked curious.

"You saw that?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah." I said with a tint of pink.

"Y-you looked cute." He stuttered. I smiled at him and lightly brushed my foot on his getting his attention. He looked at me and took my leg with his two, trapping it. I giggled and covered my mouth as a soft snort came out. My cheeks got red and I lowered my head significantly. Sam chuckled and placed his hand on my arm. I looked at him and saw that he was smiling warmly, I picked up my head and calmed myself down. "Are you Alright?" He asked.

"I'm good." I said with a nod. Dean sat back over with us as soon as the waiter came with our orders. "Thank you." I said as he walked away. He turned around and smiled at me with a wink and then walked off. Sam got mad and was about to stand up. I placed my hand on his chest and looked at him. He looked down at my hand and then up my arm to my face. His features softened, as he sat back down. "Don't get worked up with stuff like that. I'm sure it was just a friendly gesture." I said with a calming smile. He exhaled and began to eat. We ate in silence, the only sound was the tragic pop music playing through the speakers. We got up and placed the money on the table, and walked out.

"So... where to next?" Sam asked this time.

"How about you choose this time." I said with a smile.

"I do need some new jeans." He said.

"Then lets go!" I said with a smile. Both of the boys chuckled at my optimism, and we headed across the street to a men's clothing store. The smell in the store was something like pine and Old spice. We went over to the pants and looked around. I wandered over to the shirts and found a really cool one that would look great on me. I took it off of the rack and draped it over my arm. Dean found me after he noticed that I was missing. He saw the shirt and looked at me funny.

"I don't really think that is Sam's style." He said.

"Well maybe that's because its not for him." I said with a shrug. He was about to speak. "No its not for you either." I said with an eye roll. His mouth closed and we walked back over to Sam. 

"Wait you wear mens clothing?" Dean asked once we got over to Sam.

"Clothing can be gender neutral if you got the balls." I said. Dean thought about it and agreed. "Anyways Sammy, you want to look around some more?" I asked looking at my boyfriend. 

"Sure." He said we wandered back over to the shirts and I saw a cute shirt with a moose on it. I found it in his size and showed him it.

"Crowley would be proud." I said with a smirk.

"Hell no! Not happening." He said shaking his head. 

"Why not?" I asked with a frown.

"I know where your going with this, so no. I'm not wearing that." He said. 

"Fine, then I'll buy it and wear it better then you ever could!" I said sticking out my tongue after. We looked around and bought some things, from other stores until we got tired and our wallets felt hungry. Time to time I would show myself off or tease Sam in some way. On our way back to the car, two women saw the good looking brothers and decided that they would try and get a taste. They stopped the three of us and acted like I wasn't even there. 

"Excuse me, but I just had to stop and talk to you. I mean who wouldn't your walking eye candy." One of them said. "Hi! I'm Sadey." She said. Was she just flirting with my bitch. Oh hell no!

"Hi! I'm Catherine. What's your name?" the other asked dean.

"I'm Dean, nice to meet you Catherine." He said turning on flirt mode. 

"What's your name big boy?" Sadey asked my precious Sam.

"Um Sam." He said clearly uncomfortable. I was standing there raging and totally dumbfounded that this basic blonde is trying to steal my man.

"Hey Sadey." I said bitter-sweetly.

"Who are you?" She asked bitterly.

"I'm Anna. Nice to meet you!" I said with a clearly fake smile. Dean was too consumed with Catherine to even notice the scene that was about to go down. She looked me up and down and ignored me, turning back around to Sam getting too close. He stepped back thank god, and looked at me with a worried expression plastered on his face. I was seriously about to rip out all of her extensions and pop both of those balloons that she calls her breasts. "Excuse me?" i said annoyed.

"What!" She asked snapping her head to me with a glare.

"I'm not all that sorry for saying this but he has a girlfriend." I said.

"I don't see her." She said.

"You're staring at her!" I said pissed.

"I don't see much." She said with a snicker. Sam backed away from the both of us but still close enough to pull me off or her.

"What did you say?!" I asked trying to understand if she wants a death wish.

"You heard me! I didn't speak chinese!" She said with a sassy head roll getting in my face. I pushed her head away from my face with enough force to make her stumble back. She went to hit me and caught her arm.

"Bitch, you did not just say that to me. You must not only be horrendously ugly but stupid. Those extensions must be too tight." I said grabbing a fist full of her fake ratty hair. She spat in my face and I threw her to the floor. That was when others on the sidewalk started to notice and so did Dean and this skanks friend. 

"Don't do that!" catherine said loudly helping her friend up. "She didn't even do anything to you." she said with a snarl.

"I'm sorry but this is none of your business, Catherine  I said gritting my teeth.

"Baby lets go, they aren't worth it." Sam said lightly grabbing my arm. I shook it off and let saltly Sadey try her next move. She intended to slap me but ultimately failed, she was predictable so I dodged it. 

"No Sam, I'm going to protect what's mine. It's her fault for trying to take what's mine." I said glaring her down. 

"You know what! I don't have time for this!" She said brushing herself off.

"What you don't have time to get your ass beat? Good choice." I said stepping back. Her and her friend walked away a few steps and looked back at us. I swiftly pulled Sam down and kissed him just to make my point. If she wants to be petty then let's go bitch! She scoffed and walked away faster. 

"You just lost." Dean said with a smirk,

"But I did it making my point. I'll let it slide this time." I said with a smile proud of myself. I took Sam's hand in mine and I walked to the car proudly with my beautiful boyfriend on one side and my best friend on the other. Today was a good day.

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