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"Hey... Anna are you awake?" I heard from behind me. I turned over and saw Sam.

Sam's POV

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked.

"I just got bored and deans not up yet." I said.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"9:30" I said.

"Alright. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm alright." I said sitting down on the edge of her bed. If you call being major friend zoned Alright.

"What do you mean? Your alright. You were just stabbed." She said with a smile.

"I'm actually alright. I've got my life, friends, family and food. I'm good." I said returning the smile.

"Okay mister positive. What do you want to do?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said. I know what I want to do. I want to kiss you.

"Well then... I guess we're going to sit here awkwardly until one of us comes up with an idea." She said with a chuckle.

"I can sit next to you right? My back is starting to hurt." I said hopeful.

"Oh sure." She said. I crawled over her to sit beside her. I rested my back against the headboard and laid my head on the wall. My hair fell in my face and she giggled. I looked at her with my head still on the wall.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said looking away. I closed my eyes just resting, and then I felt her lightly smack my Adam's apple. I gagged and threw my head forward.

"What was that for?!" I asked covering my neck.

"I had too I'm sorry." She said laughing hard.

"Why?" I asked.

"It was there." She said still laughing.

"Come here!" I said messing up her hair.

"No! Not the hair!" She said with a squeal.

"Wait why is it so soft?" I asked just caressing it now.

"Bro that's weird." She said with a laugh.

"What's it's soft! Why?" I asked.

"I don't know! Bro like stop. How would you like it if I just started caressing your hair." She said.

"I wouldn't care." I said pulling my hand away.

"Really?" She asked.

"Nope." I said. She raised her hand and I lowered my head.

"Are you actually serious?" She asked.

"Yeah I wouldn't care." I said as she played with my hair. I leaned my head into her hand and closed my eyes.

"Why do I feel like this is one of your kinks?" She said as she started to scratch my scalp.

"I don't know, but it feels nice." I said looking at her.

"You are just like a dog." She said. I laughed.

"I get told that a lot." I said with a smile.

"Oh, so after I tucked you in, dean saw and he insisted on me tucking him in too. I did because why not but he's probably gonna try and brag that you weren't the only one to get the special treatment." She said still playing with my hair.

"Really? He wanted to be treated like a kid?" I asked.

"I guess." She said. Then she booped my nose. "Boop." She said with a smile.

"Whatever." I said with an eye roll.

"What?" She asked removing her hand.

"It's nothing." I said with a smile.

"No your going to tell me whats wrong." She said laying on me.

"Anna, I'm alright. I'm okay, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong." I said playing with her hair.

"I'm right here if you want to talk to me. I'll listen." She said looking up to me.

"Anna, I said I'm okay. I'll open up to you if I need to, but I'm totally alright for now." I said looking down to her.

"Do you promise?" She asked.

"I promise." I said with a smile.

"What are you too doing?" Dean asked sitting up.

"Nothing." We said in sync.

"There was no make out session right?" He asked pointing to us.

"No, we're just friends." She said. She got off of me and got out of bed. I won't lie the way she said that hurt. It sounded so cold, and she just left me after saying it like I was a disease.

"Sammy are you alright?" Dean asked.

"I'm good." I said and got up. She walked in the bathroom, probably to change. I found some clothes and started to change. She walked out when I was putting on my shirt.

"Hey, hows the bandages?" She asked walking over to me.

"They're fine." I said buttoning my shirt.

"Okay." She said walking away. Was I being to harsh? We are only just friends. God why does she make me do this. I picked up my phone, I tried to tell her. But I can't. Not now, besides she's not even looking for someone right now. And it would just be awkward. She doesn't even like me like that. So I'm the best friend. That's it, that's all I am.

Anna's POV

Am I being too harsh? I panicked, that's all I could think of. Why did I leave him, like that. He doesn't like me like that. So then why is he mad? Did I upset him. I fucked up, I really fucked up. It was okay until that happen. Why do I have to be such a tampon shitter! I'll make it up to him.

Me- stressed out by twenty one pilots.

His phone went off, he picked it back up and saw the message. He glanced at me I smiled slightly in hopes he's not mad. He plugged in and listened.

Sam- Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez

I listened to it and smiled. Thank god he's not mad at me.

Me- Partners in Crime by Set it Off

He listened to it and smiled.

Sam- ain't it fun by paramore

Me- you got some good choices. How about this

Me-This little girl by cady groves

He pressed the link and looked at me. His face changed from unknowing to worried. He looked back to me and I smiled.

Sam- Alright lets not piss you off.

Sam- how about this. She's kinda hot by 5 seconds of summer.

Me- wow, alright how about 1985 by bowling for soup.

Sam- that's another good one. That's going on my playlist.

"Hey you too! Get off your phones and pack up. We're heading to the bunker." Dean said packing up his bag.

"The bunker? Is that like a strip club I don't know about?" I asked standing up.

"No that's where we live when we're not on the road." Sam said also standing up.

"Oh alright." I said starting to pack. I packed up my clothes, hygiene stuff and my miscellaneous stuff. I put on my shoes and slung my bag over my shoulder. I glanced at Sam and saw that he was having trouble bending down. "Here I got it." I said reaching for his bag.

"No it's fine I got it. Besides it kinda heavy." He said dismissing me.

"Fine then I'll just take it." I said picking it off the floor. "Heavy my ass." I said carrying it out to the car.

"Alright then." He said walking out the room.

"Is that everything?" Dean asked.

"Yeah that's everything." I said. He nodded and checked us out. We got in the car and drove to the bunker wherever it may be.

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