Problems Pt.1

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You would think that the Winchester brothers would be all for work and totally work driven. But then you get to know them and then you reconsider all or your life choices that lead you to this point. Like, how did I wake up this morning, to make the bed then get dressed, wait for my two partners to wake up and get ready, and then go to a diner to grab some grub. This whole morning was nothing but pointless bickering and messing around, it's like they're five year olds. All you here is "dean! Stop I swear it's like your 6!"

But I have to say, they've grown on me. The little bickering I once found annoying is now humorous. How easily dean can piss of Sam is fucking funny. One time dean made Sam Go an hour long drive for some damn cherry pie. When Sam got back, dean complained that he didn't want that flavor so Sam got so pissed he smashed deans face in it. Dean had cherry filling in his nose for a week. They're goof balls but, they got that good personality. I think I might be growing in dean, but I can't be sure. I know that Sam was fond of me from the beginning. This morning I sat in the backseat of the impala waiting for dean to stop flirting with the waitress and get back in the car. I left the diner because it got a bit loud from the family in front of us. When dean finally came out with Sam, dean held something in his hand and Sam looked bothered. They slid in the car and turned back to me.

"What?" I asked.

"The waitresses friend wanted to give you something." Dean said with a smile.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Here." Dean replied handing me the paper in his hand. I unfolded it and raised a brow.

"Why?" I asked looking at the older brother.

"Clearly he digs you. You gonna you know?" He asked pointing to the little piece of paper.

"I don't think I will. It's not my thing." I said crumbling it up. He nodded and turned back around. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. We drove back to the motel and settled down. "Beers?" I asked walking to the fridge.

"Why don't we go to a bar?" Dean asked. I shot my head to him.

"I don't think that's a good idea dean." Sam said.

"Why not? We went yesterday." He said confused.

"You can go if you feel like it but I'll stay here this time." I said grabbing myself a beer.

"But?" He asked. "You never leave the motel room." He said.

I gulped back my explosive words and collected myself still turned away from him. "I don't like people period. So I would rather stay here alone and safe, instead of out there with the world." I said calmly turning to face him. He took a step back and tilted his head a little still confused.

"What?" He asked again.

"Dean... I'm trying to stay calm here. So I'm only going to repeat myself once. I can not and will not tolerate people that are scary and judgmental. I don't like other people because I think that they're annoying and a pain in my ass. So I would rather stay here away from that then in the middle of it. Understand?" I said.

He waited a moment and then nodded his head. "So I can go?" He asked looking at his brother.

"Yeah, just call me when your too hammered to drive back." Sam said as dean walked out of the door. I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I said taking and sip of my beer.

"I'm right here if you want to talk." He said sitting down next to me but not to close. I like that about him. He can and will care for you all the while respecting your space. He stays calm when I can't and he's always there to help me. I've let him in the tiniest percentage of my mental problems, and I still have so much to tell him. He helps me when I need it. He stops me from doing something stupid without even realizing it.

"I know, but let's not get into that it would take too long." I said with a chuckle to hide the pain. I know that it wouldn't take to long, I only said that because I'm afraid that he's going to pack up his stuff with dean and leave me if I told him. I'm afraid he'll leave me like everyone else.

"Are you sure?" He asked calmly. I couldn't help it any longer. I let a tear slip, it fell to the floor. I set down my beer and slumped.

"No, I'm not sure. I'm not okay." I said with a trembling voice. "I have so much to tell you. I have so much, but I can't." I said letting a few more tears fall.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I just can't." I said turning away from him.

"I'll listen. I can help, I'm right here just tell me." He said again with a calm and smooth voice.

"Sam..." I said again gripping onto my knee.

"What?" He asked leaning in closer to me.

"If I told you then you would leave. You'd leave and never come back. I'd scare you away and I'd be left alone again. If I told you then you would hate me and think of me as a monster." I said facing him with tear stained cheeks. "If I told you then I'd be alone, forgotten and hated. And I don't want that." I said trailing off. He looked surprised and sympathetic.

"Anna, I wouldn't leave you. You couldn't scare me off if you wanted too. I'm here to stay because that's what friends do. Anna, I care for you. And whatever your dealing with your not dealing with it alone. You are not alone you have me, and Bobby loves you like a daughter. Even deans got your back. Anna your not alone and I'd never leave you." He said genuinely. He gently places his hand over mine and smiled his warm bright smile. "I'm here, so please tell me what's wrong. I can and will help you, if it's the last thing I do." He said.

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