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We met Dean at the car, he was already waiting behind the wheel with the engine purring. I slid in next to Dean, right in the middle of the seat, because this bitch ain't sitting in the back. Sam slid in next to me and closed the door. Dean hit the gas and we drove downtown to a place to eat. We ended up at a little rustic cabin looking restaurant. Dean stopped the car and we all got out. Both Sam and Dean held the doors open for me. My responses were a smile and thank you. We sat in a booth in the back and waited for some service. I took a look around as a habit from my job. There was an older man sitting near the door, there was a man behind the counter along with two women. There was a cute couple across from us and a mother with her two teenage children. One of the ladies from behind the counter started to walk over to us and I prepared my smile. She handed us menus with a smile that didn't look fake. 

"Hey guys, welcome to Cassey's. would you like something to drink?" She asked happy. 

"Oh thank you, I'd like some sweet tea with lemon if possible." I said with the same smile, its kinda contagious. 

"Oh sure we can do that, what would you boys like?" She asked eyeing Sam. I took it calmly trying not to flip out. I'm sure shes just trying to do her job. 

"I'd also like some sweet tea, just without the lemon." Sam said back resting his hand on my knee. The waitress saw his gesture, and frowned the tiniest bit. Then she turned her attention to Dean.

"And you?" She asked.

"Just a coke." He said still looking over the menu. She nodded and walked off to get our drinks. I flipped through the menu and found out that they had a whole fucking squirrel. I smiled to myself and thought about when my grandpa used to take me hunting in the woods behind his house and we went looking for squirrels. I was placed back into the present when Sam lightly shook my knee.

"Are you alright?" He asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I said with a reassuring smile. He nodded and went back to rubbing my knee and looking over the menu. The squirrel came with the mini potatoes and carrots with onion, all glazed in their special sauce. When the waitress came back she set down the drinks in front of us. I was sitting against the wall, with my beloved boyfriend beside me and his brother across from us. 

"Are you all ready to order?" She asked the table.

"I think we are." I said with a smile. "I'd like the squirrel please." I said surprising the boys. 

"Full order or half?" She asked tilting her head in question.

"Full, that squirrel can't be that big," I said with a chuckle.

"You'd be surprised." She said jotting down my order and continuing along the table. The boys got the simple burgers and she walked away. 

"So you got squirrel?" Dean asked amused leaning closer propping his head in his hands with a smirk along his face.

"Yes I did. Do you have a problem with it?" I asked giving the same smirk leaning closer to him with my head on my hand like his. 

"Who said that?" He said his smirk only growing. "I just never thought that you'd ever want to eat it." He said.

"I have and I will again. Actually I've hunted it down, skinned it and skewered it on a stick over a fire cooking it and eating it with my hands when I was being hunted down in Alaska." I said leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest. Both boys looked over my body looking for something that proved I was lying. Dean nodded in pride and sat back like I was. 

"Did I mention you're bad ass?" Sam asked removing his hand from my knee. I turned my head to him and smiled with a tint of pink under my full coverage foundation.

"You just did." I said leaning my head on his arm. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer looking over the room. I was staring at the beautiful man beside me whom was looking at something with a semi-deadly glare. I glanced at Dean and he had a small smile on his lips. I gave him a questioning look and he shook head looking away. "What you looking at baby?" I asked turning my attention to him.

"Nothing." He said turning his head to me. 

Sam's POV

As I was checking the room after some new people came in I saw the man sitting at the counter was staring at Anna with a grin. I pulled her closer to me making it obvious that she was mine. He glared at me like I did something wrong, I glared back showing this creep that he won't even get her to look at him. He huffed and slumped into his cup of coffee.

  "What you looking at baby?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said turning my head to look at the masterpiece beside me. She nodded and nuzzled into my side. My heart started to beat faster, and my breathing hitched slightly. I still can't believe that she loves me back. I still think I'm dreaming, its all so new and different, but like the good different. I still can't believe that she chose me out of all the men in the world. She looks hella good today, and I made an effort to look as nice as I can but still being casual. Her smile is more beautiful than gold I swear. She tried to look nice and I respect that but tonight its gonna be taken off by me, all of it. 

-Time Skip-

By the time that we finished eating it was like 2:30 in the afternoon. We walked out to the car and I thought about what we were gonna do next. I guess Anna and Dean were thinking about that too.

"Where to next?" Dean asked leaning on the car.

"Bar?" Anna suggested.

"Hell yeah!" Dean said getting in the car. She followed sitting in the middle of the bench like she had been all day. I got in after her and closed the car door, Dean took off to the bar closest to the bunker as I prepared myself to sit back and watch my confident girlfriend put on a show just for me. Because we all know that its gonna happen. Shes gonna dance and sway those hips for me and I might just have to beat someones ass tonight. 

We got to the bar and she was practically jumping in her seat. We got out of the car and I took her hand in mine and walked through those doors. The music was at a nice volume and people were at tables more so then walking around. We found our table and sat down. She immediately took off her black leather jacket and placed it on the back of a chair at the table. I put mine beside hers to let the gentleman know that the seat is taken. She smiled at me and took my hand dragging me to the counter. She ordered two beers and waited for them to be passed across the counter. She happily took both and handed me one. I chuckled at her excitement and we walked back over to our claimed table. I sat down facing her with my legs not under the table but to the rights as to my left was the wall. She smirked at me and sat down on my lap. I knew it, she was going to flaunt herself to me at every chance she got. She lent up on my chest and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Hi baby." She said with a smile.

"Hello sugar." I replied with the same smile. She really makes me happy. She raised her head to kiss me, so I lowered my head to meet hers in the middle. We closed the gap with smiles on our faces and the knowledge that tonight is going to be fucking fun.

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