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Sam's POV

She actually said it! She said it back. I'm ecstatic, I smiled and left the room to let her sleep. I checked her sheets and found dean in his room. I knocked on the open door and he looked at me.

"What's up?" He asked.

"You won't believe what just happened." I said with a huge ass smile, sitting down on his bed.

"What happened?" He asked now curious.

"She said it! She said it back!" I said with excitement.

"She did?! That's great, Sam!" He said with a smile. "Your happy right?" He asked.

"I'm beyond happy! I'm ecstatic!" I said with the same smile.

"Alright well have you acted on it?" He asked with a smirk.

"She was tired so I let her use my bed to nap on while her sheets are being washed. She told me Goodnight, and I repeated that and told her that I loved her because I do and whatever. But I only said the last part because I thought she was sleeping. She wasn't and said it with confidence." I said very happy.

"Alright, so I'm guessing you let her sleep because your boring and didn't know what to do." Dean said with a chuckle. "So you didn't act on it but will when she wakes up." He said nudging my arm with a wink.

"How am I going to do this? I don't know what to do! I'm so nervous what if I scare her?! What if she's not ready?!" I said with anxiety flowing over me.

"Sammy, your thinking too fast. Just I don't know talk to her about it. Um, ask what her boundaries are. Make sure your not going to fast and try to make sure everything you do in that type of way is alright with her. Play it cool, take it slow." He said with a reassuring smile. "But... if she is a little freaky... then go with it." He said with a wink. My face turned as red as it could and darted my eyes to the bed.

"D-dean that wasn't needed." I stuttered. He laughed and nudged my arm.

"Sammy, it's alright. First step talk to her. And then take it from there. Just be yourself, because I'm pretty sure that's what she fell in love with." He said now serious. I nodded slowly and heard the washer stop.

"I'll go and switch that for her." I said getting up. "Thanks dean." I said looking at him. He nodded and I left to switch over her sheets. I did and checked on her to make sure she was alright. I can't wait until she wakes up. I walked into the kitchen and paced around the room. Alright how am I going to this? Wait for her to wake up, and then talk to her about it? No that's to forward. How about ease into it? That might work. Like a hello, how was your nap. And then chat a little and ask about what had happened? I don't know! I'm freaking out in both good and bad ways. All I know is that I'm filled to the brim with joy and nerves. I walked to my bedroom since it's still my room and sat at the desk. I every now and then turned back to look at her, but overall just stayed in my laptop. Dean asked if I wanted a beer, I turned it down. I heard the drier go off and I checked her one more time and then made her bed. I made it nice and neat, and walked back to my room. I saw her sitting up straight on the bed looking around the room. "Hey Anna How was your nap?" I asked.

"It was just fine Sam." She said with a small smile. I sat down at my desk and faced her in my chair and we stared at each other, taking in each other's features. "So.. um, do you want to address what happened?" She asked after a while.

"Yeah I was hoping to." I said. She nodded.

"I meant what I said." She spoke taking my gaze.

"So did I." I replied with a smile. She giggled and looked me over. "So... I'm just curious but what made you fall for me?" I asked actually curious.

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