To those who leave and those who come back

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Every single shadowhunter in the New York institute was actively doing something. They knew something big was going on. If Sammael came back after being gone for a thousand years it could only mean one thing: there will be a war and all they could do for now was to get prepared as much as possible. They were researching history on how Sammael was defeated, others were looking into his weaknesses, etc...
Clary was standing on one side of a table facing Alec who was holding his tears inside his body. On his right side, at the head of the table, Izzy was commending the assembly. Jace was next to Clary and Simon walked up to all of them followed by Luke.

" - Ok so, Sammael is back and he had Magnus. We need a plan of action without putting the life of Clary in danger. said Isabelle

- I told you, mundane should've came here in te first place. muttered Jace.

- Jace, stop calling her a mundane.

- She is one, Simon. She's got no runes.

- But she has the sight, Jace. Which means she's part of your club.

- Enough! Izzy shouted. We have a more urgent situation to discuss. We need to be able to get Magnus out, keep Clary in and save everyone. Does anyone have a constructive idea? "

Clary looked at all of them. Her eyes stopped on Jace a little longer until he turned his head and faced her. His eyes were empty and she instantly remembered how he used to look at her. She felt her throat getting tighter so she looked down and looked back at Izzy.

" - Jace is right, this is my fault. Send me to him.

- Clary are you out of your mind? He will kill you. We didn't wait a year to have you back for you to get killed right away.

Izzy stared at Simon with her eyes wide open. When he raised his eyebrow to her, showing his confusion she showed Jace.

- What do you mean wait a year...? Do we know this girl?

- Jace... we need to talk to you about something. Something you did, well something we made you do. Something that Magnus and only him can fix. sighed Alec.

- What is going on?

- Enough! Both you stop! We will talk about it but we need a plan.

- What if we manage to get a demon to look like Clary and we just send him to Sammael? If we're lucky enough he won't realize what we did until Magnus is safe and sound. explained Luke.

- That could work but we need a demon who would accept to do the work for us which...."

Clary was already not listening anymore. Her mind was going somewhere else, somewhere far away from the room she was in. It started with a light buzzing noise which got louder and louder. As soon as she realized it, the lights flickered in the room, sign that an angel was paying attention to them. Her body felt heaving and her lids were slightly closing.

" - Clary...

She jumped and looked around. The guys were still talking and none of them seemed to talk to her.

- Clary...

She jumped again and looked around. Everyone was busy and no one was paying attention to her.

- In your bedroom lies the answer you're looking for."

She wondered who was talking to her but the side of her brain who was thinking, slowly faded into a hypnotized state. She automatically walked to her bedroom not wondering if someone was following her.
She opened the door like an machine and walked to her desk. It was her old bedroom and it didn't look like anyone was using it. Her things were at their right place and that's when she realized what the answer to her question was. On her desk, the only thing still standing was a picture. A picture of her and her brother, Jonathan.

" - Clary Fairchild. I know you can hear me. I am Raziel. I am here to warn you of the risks you and your friends are facing if you stay in the institute. But before I tell you that I have a proposition for you.

Clary's body fell if the bed. Her eyes fixed the wall.

- We, the angels, have mercy and so we recognized the role you played in the war against Lilith and for this reason I offer to bring your brother back. Jonathan without his demon blood and human. My condition is that you never come back to the institute. Live your life with him or die fighting for the Shadow world. Make your choice."

New York institute main room

" - Jace, can you go check up on Clary?

- Why me?

- Because I need you to go see if she's ok. Bring her back here so we can tell her the plan.

- Simon can do it. They're like... close.

- Jace, it is an order."

Izzy needed Jace gone so she could talk to Simon, Luke and Alec about Clary and Jace in private. As soon as he left she explained to them how they needed to give Jace his memories back and that Clary needed to be there when it happened. But Izzy should've known better, she should have known that things never happened the way they are supposed to. Jace did come back, but he came back alone holding a piece of paper.

" - Look, she was gone when I got there but she left a letter.

Izzy grabbed it out of Jace's hand, her brain having flash backs from a year ago. She read out loud.

- I am sorry for leaving you again but I had time to think. When I disappeared a year ago none of you came looking for me other than Jace. Speaking of him... I can't do this. There is a chance that we won't get Magnus back and I can't look at him knowing that he doesn't remember anything. I can't listen to him speak to me the way he does. I also got a message from Raziel, he will give me Jonathan back if I say good bye to all of you for good so.. I am sorry but goodbye. Jonathan always loved me, it's something I can't expect from you. After all, he is my brother. I caused enough troubles. I wish you all the best, Clary.

- Raziel doesn't speak to us. replied Alec emotionlessly.

- I don't remember what exactly? What happened between me and this girl? Did we have sex and I never called her back? said Jace slightly annoyed.

- You're right Alec, Raziel doesn't communicate with us but apparently Clary being here was more important to him than anything else.

- Stop! Now all of you stop lying to me and tell me the truth! Jace lost his temper and started screaming. Some shadowhunters looked at them.

-Later Jace but I have to call back Sammael using the adress he used when he call us. I don't want to lose Clary and Magnus in the same day."

Later on

" - Sammael, we heard your message but we need to inform you that Clary isn't here anymore. She disappeared right before we planned on handing her over to you.

- Shadowhunters, the demon laughed demonically, this isn't my problem. My deal still stands: give me Clary to get Magnus. I'll offer you more time because a game is a game and it's amusing me so you have ten days. After that if Clary isn't on this sofa, Magnus will keep her place and die."

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