I Shall Land in Heaven

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Jace could see the cherry haired girl walking down one of the alley of the Institute. His mind was made up: he needed to figure out what the mission was in order to get inside. His weapons were ready he just had to find the plan his friends concocted.
The young woman turned and entered a room. He activated his hearing rune standing few feet away from the room she went in.

"- Let's go over the plan again. Clary you open a portal to that village in England. We all go through. Once you're there you open a permanent portal for us to go to outside to inside the hospital. Of course to get inside you'll be helped by a warlock who gladly accepted to offer his help. From what the plans are showing the room with all the chords are in the second floor behind a black door. Hopefully the place didn't get renovated. We need to get to the gates, once there we can deactivate the security camera. It'll leave you enough time to speed run into the building. Once there hide as much as you can, get to the second floor and we should be fine."

"Not gonna lie this is probably the worst plan we have ever made."

Jace smiled and walked away from the room. It was time for him to go now. On his way out he grabbed a warlock who was passing by and asked him to open a portal to England.

"Order from The Clave" he said.

The warlock nodded and walked out of the institute with him.


Clary was walking back to her bedroom thinking. The faith of the plan was resting on her shoulders and she could feel the ball of stress in her stomach. Her legs were a little bit shaky but she needed to focus. The only way that the mission could be a success was if she managed to concentrate and let her feelings aside.

She closed the door behind her and started cleaning her room to distract her busy mind. Picking up the drawings of the man she loved made her cry and she stopped the tears as soon as they appeared. She knew she was different from the girl a year ago. The memories of all the training was imprinted in her brain. She remembered how much she struggled at ignoring her feelings and listen to her head instead of her heart but today she realised it was a necessity. Her thoughts slowly wandered to Jace but she didn't feel sadness. The thoughts were sharp in her head and appeared as rational instead of intense. He didn't like her looking like this. She always believed that love was in the soul not the appearance but she realised how wrong she was. Jace fell in love with her physic first. She looks at the bin and put the drawings inside. Giving him his memories back was a mistake.


Jace looked at the dark gates standing before him. A nurse appeared at the entrance and from what he could feel and see it wasn't a downworlder, he was human. That would be easier than he expected. He glamoured himself and activated his stamina rune. As soon as the man opened the gates to get out Jace ran inside feeling the blood rushing to his extremities. His heart was beating faster than usual and the adrenaline kicked in. He was exited, it had been a while since he has been on a dangerous mission and his fighting instinct took over.

The sound of the metal resonated in his ears. There was no way back now, he had to go through with his plan.

He hid himself in the shadows and walked towards the main building. The doors were closed but he could see people moving inside. It didn't seem too busy which was a good thing. His eyes moved up to the second floor; one of the windows was lit up, the other two in the dark and the last one was covered with a thick black curtain. "That must be it", he thought to himself.

He sneaks inside through an open window on the entrance floor. After making sure that no one was around and activate his silence room he leaves the room quietly. The main problem was his nephilim smell and hoped that he could get into the second floor without attracting anyone.

His ears caught footsteps coming his way and ran into a room like a panther. The lights were off but he could see the shape of what was around. The room was filled with body bags, he was in the morgue. He snuck out and found the emergency stairs. His legs climbed them as fast as he could and opened the door of the second floor. His ears, brain and eyes were alerted by a sudden group of noise coming from downstairs. "Ah, they know I am here." He rushed in the hallway and finally stepped in front of the black door. To avoid any unnecessary attention he opened it with a rune was locked himself inside. People were running in the building, they were onto him and he knew he didn't have long left before the moment when they will find him.

He looked around and saw screens and chords. "Ok, that's what I need to use now how do I travel there?" He started to touch few of them and each time he could see an image appear on screen. He had no idea where these were or how to get in there. Each of them showed either a different place or a different... shape? The images were of the "people" were blurry but the ones of the location were intact. "Come on Michael, now it would be a great time to help."

Suddenly a face appeared on the screen and someone... or something was staring at him. The light coming from him was so bright that it blinded him. He felt his body being compressed and in a flash of golden light he screamed as the door opened.

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