The Light's forces

390 17 0

Los Angeles

" - Rachel come on! As leader packs we have to ally!

- With vampires? Never. Maia you are a werewolf you shouldn't even consider this.

- I dated a vampire and I'm still alive. I'm not asking you to kiss one, I'm asking you to fight by their side like we did in New York.

The disgusted face of the werewolf in front of her shocked. She knew it'll be hard to ally werewolf and vampires but she didn't think that it will be this hard.

- Look if you don't ally you won't get any help if you get attacked."

She turned her back on her. They needed people by their side. She hoped that when the time comes Rachel will come around. Her next destination on her list was San Diego. She will manage to get an army of werewolves, she knew she will even if she had to fight for it.

New York

Selene was back in the Institute. Her dead heart had calm down. She managed to control herself but she didn't know for how long. She caught a reflection of herself, the ginger curls were stuck together by dried blood. Her mouth and chin were covered by a mask. She couldn't recognize herself in that body. That's when the panic started to come back. She was breathing fast and heavily. Jace and the real Clary were talking to a beautiful woman with long and black hair. She screamed and they all looked at her. She suddenly realized the stupidity of her idea: she couldn't speak. She started moving her handcuffed hands and screamed.

" - What is she doing?

- I have no idea, admitted Jace.

- I think she is trying to communicate something.

Clary walked up to Selene.

- Clary don't! warned Isabelle. Don't forget how dangerous she is.

- I know what I am doing.

She slightly removed the mask and Selene lips started moving really fast but Clary couldn't hear anything. Her head started to get fuzzy and she fell on the floor. She felt two arms carrying her out of the room. Her eyes were open but she had no control over the rest of her body.

" Clary... I warned you, now pay the price of your stubbornness."

She felt the mattress on her back and the bed cover on her legs. Jace was taking care of her.

- It's going to be ok Clary. I will fix this."

And he left the room leaving her alone. She looked around and recognized his bedroom. Hers was probably still messy from all the drawings.

Jace ran back to his sister.

" - How is she?

He totally ignored her and ran on Selene. His seraph blade was against her throat.

- What have you done to her.

She laughed.

- Two days ago you kissed me and now you're after her. You are an easy man.

The blade pierced through her skin.

- Two days ago I kissed Clary, not you.

- Either way little Shadowhunter, I did not do anything. You heard what I said; I warned you that I was snapping again. I know I am the first vampire but I am not a warlock.

His answer was a long grumble.

- Jace calm down! We need her body for Clary, remember?

"Please, notice me"  (Shadowhunters)Where stories live. Discover now