The Lost Chords

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Disclaimer: erotic/sex scene at the end of the chapter. For those of you who don't want to read that part I will post a note on who had sex with who on the next chapter so you don't get lost.


" - I'm afraid that the situation got out of hands. We, as a side fighting for the good, need to protect the ones who can't protect themselves.

Alec was standing in front of the most important people of Alicante. Over the year he talked to them about different minor issues, but nothing was very serious. His job was easy compared to his predecessors. Not this time, this time he felt the weight of the responsibilities on his shoulders. He felt the lives of billions of people in his hands and he was scared. He wasn't afraid to admit it to himself, he was scared.

In the history of the Shadowhunters they never had to face a threat like this, never. He couldn't count on someone above him to make the harsh decisions because he had no one. He was the one who will have to decide who will be send to fight and who will stay at the back.

- Wait, so we are clear. You are telling us that vampires in New York started to walk during the day, that Clary Fairchild got her memories back and that her brother, the biggest threat we have ever faced came back from the dead? What is the the head of this institute doing?

Alec got frustrated. For the first time in a long time his sister felt happiness and he didn't want to let someone who had never seen the outside world blame her for that. She was living a good life for a year and she deserved it.

- Isabelle Lightwood had done her best to keep the situation under control. She even captured Selene.

- No Jace Herondale did, not her. Also let's keep in mind that Selene has the powers of the Shadowhunters and the strength of the first vampire, so does Miss Fairchild, said another voice.

- We should kill both of them. Clary Fairchild created enough problems for us in the past. I said it before and I'll say it again, we should've killed her when she lost her memories, replied a man.

- Don't say it again. She is one of ours! A soldier. A soldier who fought by our side in our darkest hours. She proved us that we could count on her.

- And what about that story about her hearing the angels. Angels never did, she is lying!

Alec was listening to the back and forth between them while he was trying to formulate the right answer in his mind. He finally intervened:

- Clary Fairchild can draw runes that don't exist, she can bring people back to life and communicate with the angels. It happened before with Ituriel.

- Better reasons to kill her.

- No, we need to stop killing what we don't understand or what comes out of the ordinary. We could use her strength, replied an old man.

- But Ithuriel was related to her by blood. What about Michael? He is not related to any of us.

Alec was glad that this person changed the subject.

- Michael is one of the main Angels, one of the most powerful ones. Like Raziel he might be able to contact us.

Alec mentally thanked Louis for what he said.

- I agree and I think we should all side together and put our different opinions aside. Don't we remember what happened the last time we disagreed and willingly didn't want to cooperate? Lilith brought her son back and he nearly killed us all. I think it's time for us to work together. There's an army of downworlders waiting in the New York Institute who want to fight by our side. We need them, in fact we need every single person we can get.
With all due respect, you have never left Alicante, you've never seen the world and never got to be around downworlders. I have. I have seen what Jonathan did to our world and I am not going to let a situation get this bad ever again. So who is with us?"

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