Is it the will of the angels?

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Another hand shake, another smile and another glass of champagne. The exhibition started an hour ago and Clary had already walked around the huge room multiple times. Her feet were swollen and she couldn't stop thinking about the moment when she will finally get to take her shoes off.
Another man walked up to her to congratulate her on the beautiful art work. She smiled and thanked him before walking away. She needed a break, outside if she could escape without someone stopping her.
She turned around and walked towards the exit but a woman caught her attention. She was facing two of her favorite paintings and she was alone. Clary smiled and walked towards her. It was the first woman who stopped to admire the two frames.

" - I love this, said the woman. Are all of your works abstract?

The young girl faced the woman and smiled.

- Most of them. It's like I have these feelings and stories that are trying to surface but I... I can't quite make them out.

She stepped in front of the painting. She could see the woman and the entire room in front of her. She finished her explanation.

- So the closest I can do is paint the feelings.

- Well, whatever you're doing, keep doing it, replied the woman."

Clary shook the woman's hand and said: thank you for coming.

She started looking around and her eyes stopped on a tall blond man. He was already staring at her. He reminded her of a drawing she made after she had a horrible nightmare. She drew him holding a sword. Was it him? Has she seen him before? She tried to remember but something was blocking her from remembering.
She was probably staring at him for longer than she thought because he looked behind him. Captivated she walked up to him. He looked back at her and she could read a lot of suspicion and surprise in his eyes. He slightly backed off.

"- Sorry. I didn't mean to spook you, said Clary hoping that the man wouldn't walk away.

- You can see me?

His answer put her off guard but she smiled.

- Yeah of course I can see you."

The man facing her seemed shocked. She could see tears in his eyes as he looked scared. He turned around and walked away. She looked at his back, confused about the whole exchange. An image flashed into her mind: it was him, lying down in bed sleeping.
She started breathing heavily. She remembered all the time this man came up in her sleep and in her drawings. She also remembered when she was daydreaming and drawing and when she stopped his eyes were drawn on the page. The fear was getting stronger and took possession of her belly. She could feel a hand gripping her insides creating pain. Who was he? Following her impulse she ran after him.
He was already outside when she caught up with him. She was scared that he would disappear. She needed an explanation.

" - Hey! she yelled.

She barely got a reaction.

- Hey, I'm talking to you!

He finally stopped and turned around. They were facing each other and a feeling of deja vu invaded her whole body. His smell... his smell reminded her of something. She could feel her legs getting weaker by the second. Her brain was melting inside her head and tears were coming up her eyes.

- Don't I know you from somewhere?

Her voice got a little bit shaky. Her breathing kept accelerating. She could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes but it slowly faded as he shook his head looking down.

- No, I don't think so.

She cut him off.

- No, I do. I... I definitely do. I...

He had no reaction to what she was saying or he was trying not to have a reaction. She could feel his pain inside of her body. She felt guilty for something but she couldn't say why and what. The image from her dream of him holding his sword came back in her head. It reminded her of the name she screamed when she woke up.

- You're Jace, right?

His eyebrows rose a little bit. The glimmer of hope came back. A strong feeling took possession of her whole body. She wasn't feeling scared anymore. She was feeling warmth and comfort. He smiled and the warm feeling went all the way up in her throat.

- Yeah. Yeah, I'm Jace.

- Yeah?

A smile finally appeared on her lips. She was feeling safe. She suddenly remembered that he had no idea who she was.

- I'm Clary. Um...

They both laughed and something else came up in her mind. The drawings she did of his eyes... she painted both of them blue she just realized that one of them had a glimpse of brown. She knew she had seen this before but she couldn't remember where. His smile instantly made her smile. She started to look down when she stopped on a black mark on his neck. It reminded her of the doodles she did not so long ago. Her fingers automatically pointed at it.

- What are these tattoos on your neck?

He instantly looked away while her hands went up to his neck and touched the ink. As soon as her skin touched his she felt an electric shock. She looked at his eyes looking for any sign of him that he had felt the same thing. He turned his head and looked back at her.
Once her body got used to the feeling her entire hand was touching him. She could feel a flow of energy travelling from him though her hand and in her body. She had no idea who he was but did it really matter? She had never felt this before and she wanted to feel this again. What felt like a bubble formed between them and nothing else mattered. The whole world disappeared. It was just them. What looked like a stranger to her felt like the most important person in her life.
Someone or something was watching them and she knew it. Her brain made her believe it was god looking upon her. She started believing in his existence about a year ago when she ended up alone in the middle of nowhere. She needed him to get her life together when she thought she was crazy. It didn't matter anymore because right now everything made sense.
She felt a hand taking hers and putting it away from him. The bubble exploded. A rush of panic gained her stomach. The cold outside world existed again and before she realized it the man named Jace was running away from her. She stood up there for what felt like hours before she heard the door open.

"- Clary what on earth are you doing? People want to say goodbye to you! Get your ass back inside."

It was just Ethan her closest friend. She shook her head and went back inside hoping that she'll forget what just happened. She had people here for her and her talent. She wanted to enjoy what was left of the night. She would think about all of this tomorrow.

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