The Powers of Heaven

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Clary fell on the floor and heard screams all around her. She couldn't even see anything but she hoped that the plan worked. 

On the battle field every demonic creature, downworlders included covered their eyes and fell on the floor. The pain they felt was so intense that none could fight it. They didn't know what was going on.

The Seraphs looked around completely dumbfounded. One of them turned around to face the citadel. The bright light coming out of it was nothing compared to the heavenly fire but was strong. 

From where he stood he saw a young girl with cherry red hair, palm facing the walls, screaming. He then understood. He recalled a conversation Raziel had with Michael a long time ago. Apparently a shadow hunter had the ability to create a sunlight rune that could obliterate any creature with demonic blood. Was it what he was witnessing? She seemed to be suffering as well but he didn't want to waste the golden opportunity she just offered them. He turned around and with his weapon sliced in half bodies after bodies. All were minor demons but the less of them the better. They were sent back where they came from. 

He made his way to the line of Archangels. Each of them were getting ready to battle. Even to the seraphs, the form an archangel took to battle could not be visible to the naked eye. They raised above the ground, levitating next to each other. Each was known to have special powers: 

Archangel Michael, the great Defender and Protector. His light shines bright and gold. He was also the healer of body and spirit. 

Archangel Raphael, the divine healer of physical ailments. His deep royal blue energy shining as bright as Michael's was impressive. 

Archangel Azrael, the transformer of mental and emotional anxieties. His light was bright red.

Archangel Uriel, light blue, the divine pillar of strength. 

Archangel Chamuel, soft green, the divine benefactor of unconditional love.

Archangel Hamuel, pale blue, the divine healers of families and relationship.

Archangel Gabriel, bright violet, the great messenger. 

Archangel Ariel, light purple, the great Earth mother.

Archangel Metatron, deep violet, the great Instigator of powerful changes. 

Archangel Zadkiel, the guide of life path.

Archangel Jeremiel, the deliverer of mercy.

Archangel Jophiel, the giver of joy.

Archangel Raguel the divine peacekeeper.

Archangel Sandalphon, the divine nurturer.

Archangel Barachiel, the facilitator of miraculous occurrences.

They were all here, the only one missing was Raziel. The Seraph looked down. What a sadness to see one of his companion fall to the other side. Suddenly he heard a voice speaking in his mind.

"I, Archangel Gabriel, am here to give you a message. The time has come for you to retreat behind us while we attack. Once you are safe to come back on the battlefield I will let you now. For now I'll will tell you what each of us are doing.'

The seraph looked around him and saw everyone who was on Heaven's side, downworlder included, ran back behind the alignment of archangels. He followed the movement and stood next to a group of werewolves. He never thought seeing something like this will happen in history but there they were, fighting alongside each other. 

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