The servants of the sun

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Magnus' mouth felt pasty and his eyes couldn't acclimate to the obscurity of the room. His hands and fingers were tied up with special handcuffs that didn't allow him to cast any spell. His mouth was filled with something but he couldn't feel what it was. He was lying on something fairly soft. He had no way of doing anything. If he remembered correctly he had seven days left to live.
The smell of the room filled his lungs, he nearly threw up. He could finally see the shapes around him. That's when he realized where the smell came from: bodies. There was so many of them lying on the ground. What was dripping from the ceiling made him shiver, it was probably blood.
He tried to look at what he was lying on and instantly screamed silently because of what was in his mouth. Two open eyes were staring at him but he couldn't feel any breathing under his back.
He tried to move but his legs were tied up too.

"- I'm sorry for moving but I don't know which one of us is the least comfortable to be honest."

When Magnus decided to roll to his side the lights turned on. It burnt his eyeballs. He couldn't see who was there other than a tall figure with long black hair.

"- There you are. Time to go.

He recognized the voice and instantly froze.

- Did I not have seven days left?

- Let's make one thing clear; after what you have done to me I am the only one who can kill you.

- Dad you manipulated me, I did what I had to do.

He didn't get a response but the handcuffs fell off his hands. His legs were freed so he stood up.

- Time to go. You can use a portal there are no wards. But keep in mind I'm gonna be coming for you. "

Asmodeus walked out of the room leaving Magnus surrounded by bodies and the smell of blood. He knew he had to portal himself to the safest place he could think of: Alicante. But the wards around the city wouldn't let him through and his dad would have time to catch it. The institute, the institute felt like the safest bet. He looked at the bodies one more time and finally saw the runes covering them. He needed to tell Alec.
He started moving his hands, sparkles were coming out of them and a portal opened. He entered it as soon as some people entered the room.

Alec was receiving a special envoy from the Clave to deal with the vampires. Their mission: capturing one and bring him here, in the Institute.

" - As I said I do not want any deaths.

- They killed our people and declared a war against us. We need to kill them.

- I said no killing. If we kill them they will reply. We don't know how big their army is, we don't know how many greater demons work for them. We are not prepared, we need more informations. We need a way to get the info....

A loud noise made Alec turn his head. He saw a portal and a figure walking out of it. He didn't respond to the signals his brain was giving because of the shock. The handsome man was looking around. He was gracious and he was looking dirty. Alec knew this face like no others. The warlock's eyes locked into his. The whole world stopped, he couldn't breathe anymore. Was it real? Was he actually here?

- Alec...

The sound of his voice made Alec react.

- Carry on with the mission.

He ran downstairs and took his husband's hand and brought him to his bedroom. His hands found their rightful place on each sides of his lover's cheeks.

- You're here, I can't believe you're here.

He kept touching him to make sure he was alive and breathing.

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