What's done is done

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Clary woke up in a bed and all she could hear was a regular beep next to her right ear which, at first, annoyed her but she quickly got used to it. She tried to sit down and realized the tube coming out of her inner arm, she could feel the liquid moving through her veins. Someone was injecting something to her. Her hand took it out of her arm.
Her eyes looked around, she recognized the place and remembered what it was; the hospital wing in the New York Institute.
The light above her head flickered and she felt a strong energy inside her body. It was filling every single inch of space she had and it made her feel sick. The machine next to her stopped working and a long and louder beep filled the room before someone she didn't know arrived in front of her bed to stop it.

" - Good you're awake. I have to get my boss here and we'll be back to ask you a couple of questions. Do you want some water?

Clary nodded.

- Ok I'll get you that. Don't move and just wait. "

He checked that the machine was really off and left.
Clary kept looking around trying to remember how she got here. She came here last night trying to see Jace to tell him about what she heard in the cafe. The thought of Jace made the lights flicker again and the same wave of weird energy filled her body once again. She focused on Jace even if her insides were slightly burning... she recalled that she didn't get to him because, what she knew now to be a Shadowhunter, closed the door and left her outside. She remembered the disappointment and falling asleep on the bench not too far from here and waking up seeing... Simon. He was probably coming from the institute. A wave of warmth ran through her body this time. Her best friend... she missed him. She recollected that he was a vampire, she knew that for a fact now, but a vampire wouldn't hang in the institute unless there was a downworld meeting. She was still confused and a little bit scared.
She heard some quick footsteps and the door opened again on three people: the man from earlier, Isabelle and Jace. Her eyes locked into his and she was expecting something from him but he had no reaction. Her throat started to feel tight.

" - Mundie shouldn't be here Izzy. Why did you bring her in?

Mundie...? She tried to catch his attention but he kept looking away. What happened since the other night? She could feel the tears coming up in her eyes but she fought them.

- Jace, she is not a mundane. She can see us and the institute, besides I'm not the one who brought her in, Simon did.

So Simon did come here.

- Next time tell your little boyfriend that he can't bring strangers into the institute.

Boyfriend? Simon and Izzy were together? Stranger? Since when was she a stranger to Jace. He was the one who came looking for her! He felt it too, that night when she touched him. She knew he felt it so why was he acting like this? The tears transformed into anger.

- Hey Im right here! clary shouted. Don't talk about me without even looking at me! Jace what's going on?

Jace's head turned quickly in her direction.

- How do you know my name?

- Are you serious? I don't remember you being like that!

Izzy stepped in before Clary broke into tears. She finally thought she had her life back and it was taken away from her, once again.

- Jace, why don't you go to the armory and help Alec train the young shadowhunters?

- Alec is training someone?

His eyebrow rose and his arms crossed.

- Yes he can't go back to Alicante yet. Go, now.

Jace sighed. He hated receiving orders from his sister. Once he left the room, Izzy sat on Clary's bed and took her hand.

- Clary, I need to know what you remember.

- What happened to Jace?

- I'll explain to you but you need to tell me what you remember.

- Why was Jace like this? He's acting like he was acting five years ago!

Izzy sighed and squeezed Clary's hand.

- Look... when you disappear at Alec's wedding, Jace didn't handle it well.

- So did I when he was the owl.

- Clary, you don't get it. Jace lost you once and he really wasn't doing well but he had hope that you would eventually come back if we looked for you. Last year you disappeared and he knew we had to respect the will of the angels. You don't realize how much he suffered, he...

- What did he do?

- Look, I didn't even know Alec and Magnus did it behind my back. Jace had a breakdown, I've seen it Clary. He was on edge for the entire year, he was checking up on you, making sure that you had everything you needed.

- Like the time when I couldn't find my sketchbook and it magically appeared...

- I guess yes, it could've been him. But my point is that for the whole year he was trying to keep it together but when you saw him the other night... it... i don't know it triggered something. He wasn't sleeping and had a mental breakdown.

Clary head was boiling and her heart was hurting. She realized the mistake she made a year ago when she left with a letter and no goodbyes. Now she sees it the other way around, if Jace had to disappear she would've felt like dying. Tears were coming up in her eyes and were ready to fall down her cheeks. She probably started shaking because she felt Izzy's grip getting tighter.

- We missed you Clary. I'm so glad you're back.

When she said that the lights flickered again, stronger this time. Izzy looked at them.

- It doesn't seem like the angels think the same way. Look we'll find something but you're here for now and it's all that matters.

- And Jace?

- Magnus can reverse the spell if he wants to. He just has to summon a memory demon.

- We all know how it went the last time we did it."

Isabelle didn't have time to reply because a huge alarm resonated in the building. Someone in the Institute was calling for help. The two girls ran out of the room into the head quarter.

" - What's going on? screamed Izzy to Alec pushing people to get to her brother.

Alec's head showed the big screen and all the remaining shadowhunters ran up there.
On the big screen they saw a man and behind that man someone was tied up but the shadows covered his face.

" - Shadowhunters! I am Sammael, the original and most powerful of the greater demons.

The voice sounded ancient.

- I am the creator of warlocks and faeries. It took me a thousand years to reform and here I am. I have with me someone, who I believe to be important to you: Magnus Bane.

The camera moved to the back and showed Magnus ties up. His makeup smudged under his eyes.

- Give me Clarissa Fairchild and I'll give him back to you. You have until tomorrow noon. I'll call back."

"Please, notice me"  (Shadowhunters)Where stories live. Discover now