Do stories become memories?

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Everyone in the New York institute was under a lot of pressure. They had 10 days left to get back the High Warlock of Alicante before they lost him forever.
Alec and his group of friends and family were trying to save Magnus and Clary Fairchild. They were discussing in Isabelle's office.

"- Alright so Jace, Simon, your mission is to track Clary and get her back here. We have to act fast before a demon brings her to Sammael, ordered Izzy.

- No but seriously? Why me? I've got nothing to do with her and until you guys tell me everything I will not be getting out of here.

- Jace how about I explain it to you while we look for her?

Jace sighed loudly and uncrossed his arms. Why was his parabatai and his sister hiding it from him.

- Good, now the rest of you will stay here. We need to warn the other institutes about Sammael. If he is back it means something bad or it means that he's preparing something behind our back. We need everyone ready. Let's go.

Everyone walked out except Jace who stormed out of the room. Simon stopped Luke quickly.

- Hey Luke, do you remember when you saw Clary in that cafe?

- Yeah she was working there, why?

- Where was it? I think Jace and I should check there first and you know... Jace doesn't remember.

Luke looked down and so did Simon. The adult took a deep breath and replied.

- Sure yes it was at 30 Lafayette Avenue in Brooklyn. You'll see it's the only cafe on the street. Be careful though, we went on mission there because her boss is a vampire, he might know you or recognize you.

- Don't worry about me, I'll be with Jace, thanks though! "

Clary's apartment in Brooklyn

"- Hey Clary I'm cooking do you want something to eat?

- No I'm ok Ethan, thank you."

She looked at her flat mate closing her bedroom door. He was her best friend and the sweetest person in the academy of arts. But she couldn't speak to him because she kept thinking, she kept hearing the message Raziel sent to her not too long ago:
" Where you memories are, lie the memory you cherish. Where it all burnt, it is coming back to life."
Why couldn't he just send her a normal message? It would make her life easier. Most of her memories were in the institute but she doubted than he would reincarnate Jonathan there. Plus the institute didn't burn. Suddenly she remembered, she didn't live with the Shadowhunters at first. She had a home, her mom's apartment. She finally knew where she had to go to find her brother.

Clary's old apartment

In Clary's old bedroom a dark and viscous liquid was all over the floor. Bathing in the middle of it lied down a human body. It squealed a little and its hands were shaking. The ginger hair reflected the light. When the body finally had enough strength it articulated a word: Clary.

Simon and Jace

Simon dodged the attack and tried to distract the demon while Jace turned the sword in his hand, ready to attack. But before he had the time to stab the demon, it turned around and scratched Jace's face. The pain was burning his skin and the warm blood was dripping on the floor. Jace knew that he didn't have a lot of time before the demon venom would hurt him. He needed an Iratze as soon as possible. He screamed, jumped on the demon and stabbed it in the eye. The creature shrieked before vaporizing into dust. Jace stood up, mechanically cleaned his blade, took his stele out and used his healing rune.

"Please, notice me"  (Shadowhunters)Where stories live. Discover now