Who would let you go?

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Clary woke up in fear. The sweat was dripping down her forehead. She brought her hand to her head and pressed on it a little bit. Her headache was worse than she expected. After Jace left she wanted to enjoy her night but the memory of the feeling she had when she touched him was still very intense.  She drank to forget and her best friend Ethan helped her achieving that goal. He gave her more drinks than usual... he probably understood that something was wrong.
As per usual she couldn't fully remember her dream but she knew it wasn't only a dream. For the last year she was always traveling to the same place when she was asleep: a beautiful and huge city surrounded by giant pillars. She always sees a lot of people there, all of them wearing black. They also always have a sort of metallic pen in their hand. Every time she is there something happens but it doesn't feel like a dream it feel like she actually lived these moments... but not in this life. At the beginning she only thought that her mind was traveling there when she was asleep but the more recurring these dreams were the more scared she was. Lately they've been scarier than at the beginning. All she could reckon from the one from this night was that the sky was very dark, the pillars were shooting something and huge flying creatures were attacking everyone. She remembered Jace. He was standing next to her and that was when she woke up. This time it felt different, she knew that she had lived this moment but not in a different life... in this one. But when? Could it be before the night when she "woke" in the middle of nowhere crying in a beautiful dress?
She lied down a couple of more minutes thinking about it and once she was fully awake she took her phone to check the time: 9:40 am. She was late to work. She sighed, she hated her boss but she needed that job. She quickly got up and got dressed while thinking about her manager. Something was off with him as well. She remembered the times when she wasn't looking at him but caught him transforming into something and as soon as she looked at him he seemed normal. She shook her hair a little bit and was ready to go. She ran out of the house her bag across her shoulder. 

New York institute:

Jace was walking avoiding everyone. He was looking for one person: Luke. He needed to talk to him about what happened.

"- Hey sorry have you seen Luke around?

- Yeah he was near the armory like twenty minutes ago."

Jace pushed the shadowhunter out of his way and walked towards the armory. Once he arrived there he saw Luke talking to Izzy. Jace realized that if this situation with Clary was getting serious he will need to talk to her and everyone else about it. Izzy lost so much after Clary disappeared... they all did. At least she had Simon to keep her head out of the water. But how would she react if he told her that Clary started remembering their world? No, he didn't want to say anything until he was sure that he'll get the love of his life back.
He approached Luke once he was finished with Izzy.

" - Oh Jace! Good to see you! Did you just get home? I didn't know you were on mission last night.

Luke seemed to be in a good mood and Jace didn't want to ruin this but he had to. If someone would help him solve the situation with Clary it would be him.

- Hi, no I wasn't. I was walking around all night.

Luke seemed suspicious. It didn't sound like something Jace would do and even if he would do it he wouldn't speak about it.

- What's going on? Is everything ok?

Jace looked down and took a deep breath.

- Look I... I need to talk to you but privately.

Luke definitely saw the look in Jace's eyes. He started to feel a bit worried about the young man. When his daughter disappeared it felt like the end of his world but Jace didn't only lose someone important. He lost the only person he will ever love. After the incident Luke kept a close eye on Jace to make sure that he will get through it and he did. Jace was doing ok or that's what he thought. Lately Jace had been acting a little bit off and even if Isabelle thought that it wasn't important Luke and Simon thought that it had something to do with Clary. But Luke knew that Jace wouldn't admit something like that so he asked Simon to talk to him on one of their drinking night out. That was when both of them learned about what Jace was doing; keeping tabs on Clary.

- Come with me.

Luke shook his head and realized that if Jace came to him it was because it probably was really important. He followed him to his bedroom.

- Jace you're worrying me what's going on?

- Do you remember the last time we lost her?

Jace whispered that sentence but Luke still heard him.

- I do. I didn't give up and I tried to find a way to get her back even though everyone thought she was dead. Why?

- Exactly. But this time we know where she is and she isn't dead.

Luke could see something in Jace's eyes. Something he hadn't seen in a very long time... could it be hope?

- Jace I know where you're going with this but we can't do anything. I'm sorry.

- No, no, no. You don't know where I am going with this. You don't. I've seen her.

Luke sighed. Jace seemed so agitated. He was talking really fast.

- I know what you've been doing. You've been looking after her... I don't agree with it but I understand I just...

- No! Jace screamed. No! She saw me. She... she talked to me.

His voice broke a little and Luke's eyes opened.

- What do you mean she saw you? Where you not glamoured?

- I was. I went to her art exhibition last night. She was there... she was talking to everyone and no one saw me I swear. I was glamoured! I was just looking at her. She... she saw me. She even walked up to me and she talked to me.

Luke's brain wasn't working. He could hear what Jace was saying but he couldn't process the information. Clary... his daughter...
Jace's eyes were full of tears and that was what convinced Luke that he was saying the truth.

- Did you talk to her?

- Yes... Jace sighed. I asked her if she could see me and when she said yes I remembered the will of the angels and I ran away. But... but she followed me. She ran after me. She even remembered my name! Luke... I think the angels are giving her back to us. They heard my prayers.

Luke's head and heart felt heavier.

- She remembered your name...

- Yes and then she saw the rune on my neck and she touched it. What I felt was unreal. It was angelic! She remembers! I saw it in her eyes. When she touched me she looked like she knew who I was!

- What happened next?

Luke was getting louder and Jace was filled with joy.

- I left because I didn't know what to do. After that I walked around all night. I eventually came back here. I needed to talk to someone about this. We need to get her back.

- We will but we also need to give her some time. We can't just show up in her life and bring her back here. We need to know if the angels are going to be ok with this.

- She wouldn't remember anything if the angels didn't want her to.

- You never know with them. For the moment this stays between us. We'll think of a plan but right now we need to go on mission. There is a vamp dealing mundane blood in a cafe. Izzy sent us there. No killing, we just need to analyze the situation.

- And for Clary?

- Jace I need to process. Not too long ago I believed I would never see her again. I promise you we will do something about it but we can't act alone either. The others have to know.

- I know. Let's go on that mission!"

And for the first time in a year Luke saw Jace smiling. Not the kind of smile he has when he's with Simon or his family but a real smile. The type of smile that makes your eyes shine. What Luke didn't tell Jace was that they weren't gonna do anything. How could they? The angels could seriously get mad. But he didn't want to break his heart, he was gonna let Jace be happy, at least for one day.

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