In time of peace you should prepare for war

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Clary suddenly stood up.

" - We can't do this, Jace.

- Is it because of the angel? Clary you don't understand... let me speak to you.

- I don't want to understand! Where is Ethan? He must be terrorized!

- Simon is with him explaining everything. sighed Jace hurt by Clary caring about her friend.

- I'm gonna join them and you're not coming.

- Clary..."

But the door was already shut.

Alec woke up and by habit extended his arm to the other side of the bed. It was empty. His eyes were hard to open because of how much he cried the night before, and the night before and the night before. Every time he was with people he was very quiet, knowing that the tears were blocked in his throat, ready to come out at anytime. He couldn't stop thinking that this was Clary's fault, once again. Magnus wouldn't have left Alicante if it wasn't for Jace. He knew that he shouldn't be mad at her but a part of him was. He missed his husband, he missed their late night drinks, he missed the shampoo Magnus used, he missed his smell, his clothes and the smell of his freshly coloured hair. He missed everything and no matter how much he believed that he will get him back, a part of him started grieving.

The door opened on a waterfall of curly black hair.

" - Sorry to wake you up! Greg found Patrick dead.

Alec didn't have any reaction other than raising his eyebrows.

- Who?

- They are two shadowhunters who were sent here a month ago. One of them was found dead, come!"

Izzy was surrounded by her family, they were all waiting on Jace who was impossible to find. Greg was standing next to Alec.

" - So tell us what happened.

- Mister the inquisitor, I was trying to find Patrick because, you see we were supposed to go on mission together. But when I got to his bedroom he was in front of the door, dead.

Izzy saw the he shivered. She assumed that he had the image of the body in his mind.

- Demon murder?

- No... nothing I have seen before."

The alarm of the institute interrupted their conversation. They all looked around trying to see if the menace was already here.

" - By the angels, what is happening."

That institute and the people in it was Izzy's responsibility. She felt like she was failing at it and she hated that feeling. She thought of Simon, he probably would tell her that she wasn't failing, that the outside world was just against her. It gave her courage and hope.

She ran to the main doors followed by Alec and Clary. They all knew that something had passed the wards.

Her bracelet transformed into a whip as she was walking. She slapped the floor with it in anger. Alec was already ready to shoot an arrow with his bow.

They all walked silently until they saw it. A shadow kneeling on the floor in front of a body.
She gave a silent instruction with her hand to Alec. He automatically walked to the left while Clary stayed at the back.

The creature probably heard them coming, it stood up and ran inside the institute.

" - Alec, go after it! Warn everyone. Nobody comes in or out of the institute. Clary, you stay here with me, it's safer.

"Please, notice me"  (Shadowhunters)Where stories live. Discover now