Used To Be My Baby ~ 𝘽𝘼 ~

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Brandon's POV

"Y/N, don't you come any closer with that spoon." I warned.

She smirked and threw it straight at my shirt making batter smudge everywhere.

"Really babes, now I have to wait for the rest of my clothes to dry." I pouted.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Well, you can just walk around the house without a shirt on." She said biting her lip.

"Well since you suggested it, you have to take it off."

I watched has her hands lifted my shirt and went straight for my abs. Thank god for the gym. My hands went up her sides and I held onto her waist connecting our lips together.
We loved each other and there was nothing you could tell us in the moment. Until the oven started smoking, she pulled away frantically not knowing what to do.

"Brandon, the oven's on fire!"

"Oh right." I rushed to the cabinet and pulled out the fire extinguisher, spraying the freezing gas on the fire.

"Well we're never making Austin's birthday cake again." She said facepalming.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead admiring her beauty.

Third POV

Brandon choked up thinking of that day, when their lives were perfect. Never knowing what could be around the corner for them. He watched as her friends and family members placed flowers on her grave awaiting his turn. Once it was he crouched down in front of it and traced the letters of he name.

'Here lies Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, daughter, soon-to-be-mother, fiancé and beauty of the Earth.' It read.

Right next to it was a smaller version for their son, Angel, who died before birth.

Y/N was 5 months pregnant when a distracted drunk driving teenager ran her off the road onto incoming traffic on her way home from her mother's. That same night, Brandon was waiting in bed for her when he got the call saying the love of his life along with his child had died on the scene. The amount of hurt that struck his body was unbearable, he cried himself to sleep for the next week leading up to their funeral.

The only thing he had left of her was her engagement ring and journal. The book she once called her most prized possession, held her entire life story that she wanted to publish one day. Not knowing how short her days would be she wrote her final entry on the second to last page. That night Brandon went home and filled out the last page, completing the book with over a thousand words he described her as.

When he finally published it the first page wrote:

Here lies the life story of Angel Michael Lee Arreaga's beautiful mother. One too sacred for this broken Earth. I love you both and we will never forget you.
-Y/N's Bebe

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