Peter strolled through the hallways heading to his next class AP Bio. He slid into his seat next to Sarah aka the author who was nose deep in a novel. Peter slightly chuckled at his friend's antics poking her in the shoulder, "Sarah, you're going to get in trouble." Sarah rolled her eyes replying, "For what? Reading? The school wants me to read."
Sarah paused, "Also, if Flash says something, send him my way. I'll kick his ass." Peter chuckled a smile tugging on his lips.
When the bell rang everyone scrambled to go to lunch, aka everyone's favorite subject. Sarah was walking past Peter when she heard a dickish voice call out, "Yo P*nis!"
Peter swore he never saw Sarah shut her book so quickly and turn around. To be honest, it kinda scared him. He stepped back as Sarah yelled back, "Yo! Eugene! Do us all a favor, and especially yourself, and shut the fuck up!" (oooo oH nAw sHe diD'Nt!)
The entire hallway went quiet because goody-two-shoes Sarah hardly cursed (out loud thank you very much). Let alone yelled one at annoying dick and prick of the year-Eugene "Flash" Thompson. Even Flash, or Eugene wasn't sure how to handle this.
Sarah opened her book muttering something about "how some boys are just complete asses and lord, I just want to read."
Peter wished that Flash would have just gotten the hint and left him alone.
Narrator: Flash, in fact, did not.
The last bell rang signaling everyone was free to leave the hell hole known as high school. Sarah waved goodbye at Peter as she walked out still reading her book. Peter chuckled walking out to where Bucky said he was going to pick him up when he felt something, or someone harshly grab the collar of his shirt.
Peter turned around to be met with Flash. Flash sneered, "You were lucky you had your little girlfriend to protect you." Peter replied, "She's not my girlfriend. Didn't you know? There's a thing called friends, you could use one, oh wait, you resort to bullying people for dumb reasons."
Flash sneered and punched Peter square in the nose and Peter swore he felt his nose break. It wasn't Flash's physical marks that made him hurt, it was, unfortunately, his really good way at making people feel like the shittest person on the world.
And that's exactly what Flash planned to do.
Flash taunted as he shoved Peter harshly against a locker, "You thought I would just leave you alone?" He scoffed, "Then you're even dumber than we all thought you were." He started punching Peter all over his body as he used just the right words to make Peter feel the worst of ways.
"You're so fucking stupid, honestly it's a shock that you got in here."
"You're so skinny, honestly, you should just starve."
"You're so pathetic, it's no wonder you don't have a mom!"
"Idiot boy."
"No one likes you!"
"Do us all a favor and die would you?"
Peter grunted after each impact, not daring to fight back because Peter "Parker" couldn't fight back before the Spider Bite, so he most definitely wouldn't be able to now.
He didn't realize that half an hour had passed and Bucky's Winter Soldier's senses were kicking in and he sensed that something was definitely wrong. It wouldn't do any harm if he went inside to check on Peter.
He left the car searching for the main entrance when he picked up on some idiots saying some pretty mean things that he wouldn't say to even his worst enemies. He headed towards the voices only to find the poor victim to be Peter. His Peter.
He growled, Winter Solider persona getting the better of him and he didn't try to force it back down. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
Three teens all turned around and froze. If Bucky didn't know better the puddle near their feet would have been water. He hissed at them, drawing all five feet and eleven inches. "Just what the fuck do you think you are doing?"
The one in the middle who he presumed to be the leader stuttered, "Uh, Mr, Soldier sir, we're friends! Really, really good friends!"
Bucky rolled his eyes pulling out a twelve-inch knife, "Yeah, I don't think so."
FUN FACT: I was originally going to make it either a sixteen inch knife of a sniper but then I remembered exactly why I couldn't. Typical American system. As an American myself, I think I speak for everyone when I say if we didn't have guns the world would be a much better place to live in thank you next.
Eyes bulging like a maniac and like the cowards they were, the terrible threesome ran for their fucking lives.
Bucky would've killed them, except for the silently crying teenager in front of him who also so happened to be beaten up too.
Bucky kneeled down in front of Peter gently taking his hands. He spoke softly but genuine, "Peter, buddy are you okay?" He didn't get a vocal response that was either due to embarrassment or tiredness, instead Peter throwing his arms around his neck and burying his head in his chest.
Bucky gently patted Peter's back, rubbing soft circles as he slowly stood up, picking up the boy with him. Bucky wrapped his flesh hand around Peter, keeping him grounded and tucked against him and metal arm latched onto his backpack.
He trudged through the winter snow, tucking Peter into the passenger seat before he walked around the front into the driver seat. He turned to Peter with a slight smile on his face, "Hey buddy, you want to talk about it?"
Peter shook his head. Bucky knew how stubborn Peter could be, especially with his genes from his father. But this wasn't okay.
Bucky wrapped his arms around Peter, guiding his head in the crook of his neck. Peter started crying once again mumbling something along the lines of "I'm sorry". Bucky looked down at the trembling bundle in his arms as he asked, "What on Earth do you have to be sorry for?" Peter replied lowly, "That you had to see me like that. And hear what they had to say, especially because they're right." Bucky tilted Peter's chin upwards so that he would be forced to look at him. Bucky softly shook his head, "Peter, those horrible words that those punks said, aren't true. None of a single word that those sorry lots of an idiot are true. You understand me?"
Peter nodded but Bucky continued speaking because this kid needed to know just how much he was worth.
He continued speaking, "You Peter Benjamin Rogers are the kindest, most intelligent, most sweetest person I know in the entire planet. You are incredibly smart, and worth every ounce that you are. You aren't dumb or stupid or anything like that. And what they said about you not having a mom? Well, at least their mom didn't make a mistake involving all that stuff I can't talk to you about because you are still a minor."
Peter chuckled at what Bucky was implying. He swatted his hand playfully shrieking, "No! We must perserve the innocence!"
Peter leaned into Bucky's chest as he mumbled a "thank you". Bucky waved it off as he pressed a kiss to the top of his forehead replying, "It's not like I was lying or anything. Just speaking straight up facts."
-Something Shuri most likely said to piss of T'Chuck E Cheese

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...