A/N:Wassup my dudes! So, I just realized that I’ve committed a great sin. I’ve hardly written any Peter and Clint fics, and it’s one of the cutest relationships out there! And no one ever thought to let me know! Dishonor, on thy cows!
Peter trudged through the school hallway, huffing as he wished the clock would magically turn two, and he could run like The Flash out of here, and never look back. As cruel as it sounded, Flash was crueler.
By some, devious plan, both Ned and MJ were absent today, and he could practically feel Flash’s annoying smirk radiate off which meant that today was going to be a fantastic day. Total sarcasm.
He sighed in his seat, opening his notebook and writing the heading when Flash slid into the seat that was Ned’s seat with a mischievous smirk across his petty face. Peter was internally mid sigh when Flash “accidentally” spilled water over Peter’s new notebook, causing Peter to sigh softly as he retorted, “Well Flash, that’s a waste of water.”
Flash chuckled, “How dumb are you p*nis? That’s not my water dumbass. Shows exactly why your ass doesn’t belong in this school!”
The rest of the period consisted of crude remarks such as:
“You’re so fucking skinny like what the hell man!”
“You think you’re so smart, but we all know that you’re nothing compared to us!”
“No one here likes you, don’t you get it! MJ and Ned are probably off enjoying their day together without you!”
“We don’t want you here. That’s why your parents are dead, because, to them, death was better than putting up with you! We all know how you led to the death of your uncle, who’s next?”
“I don’t know why you stan Spiderman so much, he’s a complete failure, just leave the saving of the world to the real heroes, he’s probably some kid on crack who thinks people need him. Honestly, he’s no hero.”
“Don’t you understand how pathetic you are?”
“You don’t fit in, freak.”
Peter ignored the flinch that came when Flash mentioned Spiderman, he thought that Spiderman was a hero, he saved lives! He was New York’s protector, was he not enough? He was trying his hardest to save everyone, and he hardly messed up. He already had enough doubts as Peter Parker, was Spiderman a failure as well?
It was the last one that stung particularly hard, he had considered himself low, but never a freak. The word alone had such a negative connotation that made Peter feel sick to his stomach, and the furious blinking of tears, but the venomous way it rolled off Flash’s tongue only made the feelings three thousand times worse. Peter felt like throwing up, and knew his hands had begun to shake. He felt dizzy, and knew the panic attack was due within a few moments.
Flash merely snickered at the boy’s panic making a few remarks about something along the lines of Peter being a sissy and sauntered off, like the little shit he is.
Flash leaves the swaying and shaking boy alone, and Peter begins to sputter and fumble for his phone, only for it to slip through his fingers and crack against the school pavement. He bends over and just picks up the phone, as quick as his breathing rate type the passcode in and get KAREN to call for someone at the tower.
He knew the call went through because Tony’s AIs don’t play around when it comes to his safety, and the next thing he knew, everything went dark and he felt himself hit something rough.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...