Summary: Peter loses his stuffie. Spider Mama to the rescue.
Peter Stark was the child of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, except the press didn't know about it. Tony Stark had a reputation when it came to press conferences. Tony Stark could be viewed at as arrogant and selfish (by his haters) but when it came to his son, there wasn't a thing that he wouldn't do for the little boy.
Tony Stark fiercely loved his son, and would kill anyone that harmed a hair on his son's curly head. He made sure that he wasn't gone for a long time during his missions, because Peter hated being away from his parents. He was used to his Dad going on missions during the day and being back by night, and his mom having to stay three days at cities for business, but both of his parents leaving him seemed scary.
Tony argued with Fury who only firmly spoke, "You're going on that mission whether you like it or not Stark. Natasha can babysit."
There was no arguing with Nicholas J. Fury who also happened to be the director of SHIELD.
Tony acknowledged, "Fine Fury, I'll go."
Tony called Natasha who was more than eager to babysit her favorite nephew.
Tony woke up to Natasha at his bedside with a flat look on her face. Tomy startled, "Ever heard of boundaries? Or knocking?" Tony sighed at the look on Natasha's face mumbling, "What time is it even?" Natasha replied coolly, "Your jet has been waiting for three hours. It's seven am." Tony scoffed, "It's too early to do anything. Besides, the party don't start till I walk in."
Natasha chuckled, "Quoting Tik Tok I see."
Natasha easily dodged the thrown towel.
Peter was much more pleasant than his father, smiling that today would be an Auntie Nat day. He clutched his favorite stuffie that he named Timmy as he trailed his little six-year-old self to the smell of breakfast.
Natasha chuckled as the six-year-old dug into the pancakes announcing after ten minutes that he was finished. She took the plates to the sink asking, "So what do you want to do today Peter? Since your dad isn't home, we can have all the fun we want.
Peter pondered the moment before replying, "Can we play hide n seek?" Natasha nodded, "Alright, let's play hide n seek. I'll count, and you hide. But only on this floor okay?" Peter nodded, taking off with one arm wagging his stuffed fish as he searched for a suitable hiding spot. Natasha chuckled to herself seeing the small boy try to press himself as close as possible against the door and wall. Natasha pretended not to notice as she stalked closer to where Peter was hiding, speaking in a sing-song voice, "Hmm, I wonder where Peter could be?" She smiled at the sound of his giggles, going still right at the edge of the door. Then she turned around and threw open the door shouting, "Found you!" Peter squealed jumping into her arms suggesting, "Can we watch TV now?" Natasha nodded, "There's always time for TV, but only for an hour because then your eyes are going to hurt, okay?" Peter nodded, leaning against Natasha as she put on a Disney movie (tHe aVeNgErS).
(oH lOoK nAt, uR iN dA mOviE, n dAd tOo!!!!)
The two remained there watching TV when Natasha announced, "I'll make lunch, you can play with your toys okay?" Peter nodded scrambling to his room to play while Natasha cooked.
Natasha was halfway done cooking pasta when Peter ran in crying, "Auntie Nat! I lost my stuffie! Timmy!" He was close to crying, and the tears pooling in his eyes didn't help. Natasha scooped up the toddler against her hip walking back to his room, "I'll help you find it, it can't have gone far."
Peter tucked his head under the crook of Natasha's neck as she gently sat him on the bed. His room wasn't messy, but there was a small clutter of blocks. Natasha glanced over the shelves and under his covers searching for the stuffie. Peter spoke, "Auntie Nat, is Timmy scared? He's all alone."
Natasha felt her heart swell at the sheer adorableness of the toddler reassuring him, "I don't think so, he's okay. Timmy is brave, just like his best friend Peter." That seemed to calm Peter down because his eyes were no longer pooling with tears. Natasha flashed Peter a comforting smile as she cleaned the mess and at the same time searched for her nephew's stuffed animal. After moving the blocks back into the bag, Natasha smiled at the sight of orange that wasn't a block. Natasha bent down and picked up the fish she walked over to the sniffling toddler handing him Timmy. Peter beamed at Natasha, hugging her, "Thank you, Auntie Natasha." Natasha smiled down at him, ruffling his hair and gave him lunch.
Natasha put Peter to bed and turned on the TV putting on a random channel where brides had to select a wedding dress. For some reason, it was so angsty, with people crying out of happiness and frustration, and a whole lot of arguments. And then she heard Peter's voice. Natasha noticed the tear-streaked face, "What's wrong Peter?" The toddler responded, "Nightmare, can I lie down with you?" Natasha nodded, hand inviting Peter to curl up at her side, "I'll sing you a lullaby, alright?"
The toddler was more than eager to join Natasha. Once he got all comfy, she sang,
Every day the sun rises and falls
Little does Lily know it all
It's a you and me day till then
And we'll sing till the sun rises up again
And we'll sing till the sun rises up again
By the last note, Peter was sound asleep.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...