Can't wake up ('i'm living in a nightmare)

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Summary: peter rogers x wanda dream scene aou-hydra torture 

Peter stood behind his father as he eyed the two twins somewhat shyly. He didn't know either of the Maximoffs, but they had a few things in common. One, they were all orphans, technically Peter wasn’t anymore since his papa Steven Grant Rogers adopted him but you get the point. Two, they all were granted with abilities through HYDRA, and three, were dealing with Ultron. 

As for the big man, or robot himself, Ultron did the equivalent of a human rolling their eyes which Peter found really, really weird. Especially since Peter just watched in pure terror as said robot ripped off a guy’s arm. So yeah, Peter totally wasn’t freaking out. 

While Tony and Ultron exchanged some verbal banter, Peter still couldn’t rid his mind of Ultron’s past encounter. Bile crept up his throat and he couldn’t prevent the flinch as bone was pulled from it’s socket. And now to look at the same guy-robot in the eyes was definitely uncomfortable. And gross. 

Steve had sensed or as Peter dubbed, “papa bear senses” Peter’s distraught and placed a hand behind his back. The father rocked backward on his heels, causing Peter to shift his attention to the thumbs up sign that his papa was holding up. His papa’s hand then switched to a thumbs down, indirectly checking up on the boy to make sure that he was okay.  

Peter brought his father’s hand right in the middle as he wasn't panicking out of terror but at the same time not slap happy. 

Steve didn’t get a chance to reply to Peter because all of a sudden Ultron was fighting Tony which meant that once again the fighting had begun. 

While the adults handled the guys with guns, Peter went after the male Maximoff. As the teenager had predicted, the silver-tainted Maximoff took off, leaving a faint blue hue behind it. Which by the way interested Peter because if whatever serum he was given with turned his hair silver, and his alias was “Quicksilver”, then shouldn’t the streak that followed whenever he used his abilities also be silver? 

Unfortunately, Peter had to put his questions aside as he jut out his wrist, causing a web to stick to Pietro’s feet, stopping him right in his tracks. 

More confused than anything, Pietro came to an abrupt halt and turned to see what stopped him. 

Peter quipped as he thrust out another wrist and another web stuck to Pietro’s other foot, “Bet you didn’t see that one coming!”

What Peter failed to account for was a quiet lurking witch that somehow managed to slip past his spidey senses and cast a scarlet hex on him. 

Peter blinked at first as he suddenly felt dizzy. He took a few steps to try and shake whatever was happening to him off but, instead tripped over his feet and slipped to the ground. Every time Peter blinked he found himself somewhere else, somewhere that he never wanted to go back ever again. And before the teenage hero knew it, he was back down under. 

Peter didn’t remember closing his eyes as he succumbed to an unfamiliar darkness.

Everything felt spacey. As the scene before Peter’s eyes began to unfold, Peter felt his heart get caught in his throat. No, he couldn’t be here! He couldn’t be! Steve rescued him from here! There was no way he could be back here again!

Peter felt chills roll down his spine as his back was pressed against a metal table, the feeling of hard cold concrete pressing against his soft flesh was too uncomfortably familiar. It was more than enough to make Peter swallow thickly as panic inched throughout his form. 

He choked the words out of his panicking frame, “What’s going on?”

He felt like he was choking as he moved his arms and legs but couldn’t do so with the restraints fastened just enough to repent his accelerated strength. The voice that has haunted him in the back of his mind for a decade was back in Peter’s head and he needed it out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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