A/N: If you know where the song title is from I love you even more than I already do
Peter Stark-Rogers yelled as he threw a silk web forward at a Chitauri, “Hey guys, what’s going on?”
The voice of his papa aka Captain America replied as grunts and blasting sounds followed not too long after, “Peter? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at school.”
“Yeah,” said Peter as he threw a punch at a Chitauri soldier, effectively knocking it out unconscious, “But there’s aliens, so like why not? Besides, I’m only missing gym papa, I hate gym.”
The worried voice of none other than New York’s most famous and iconic billionaire, philanthropist, ex-playboy, genius, “Pete, this is something really dangerous, we don’t want you to get hurt kiddo. I think you might want to sit this one bambino, FRIDAY’s reading the tech and it’s dangerous even for my suit.”
Peter countered while dodging blasts, “I’ll be careful, I promise. Besides, you guys are kinda outnumbered, no offense.” peter, hearing that from you doesn’t mean much at all ngl.
Steve’s tone was thick with patriotism and freedom as he settled, “Fine, Peter you can stay, but you’re not leaving either mine or your dad’s sight.”
Peter could work with that. He replied while disarming yet another alien soldier, “Deal.” He got to work, knocking out as many soldiers as he could while staying under either of his parents’ line of vision. Luckily, to make matters far easier, Thor appeared.
Peter breathed out, “Thank Odin’s beard.”
Thor thundered in reply, “Thank Odin’s beard indeed Man of Spiders! The Chitauri get another ass-wooping by a mighty king! Shall we best again, mortal fools?” He chucked (yeeted) his axe as electricity shot out of his fingertips while he screeched a battle-cry, “YEET!”
Peter laughed as the axe went spinning, obliterating every Chitauri in sight. It was so poetic, Peter nearly shed a tear of two. The sound of a blast almost hitting him brought him back to reality. “Woah there Karen,” the Avenger quipped, “I get you want to speak to the manager, but it’s not me.” He drawled while throwing a spin-kick, “I promise!”
He continued his charade while ducking and breaking wrists, “Can’t we like talk this out? Like two bros?”
Deadpool chimed in helpfully while drinking what Peter assumed to be bleach or poison, one of the two, or chimichangas in a milkshake which was just plain right disgusting, “Or do you mean like two bros chillin’ in a hot tub five feet apart cause they’re not gay? Although the tension present in that video indicates the contrary, a very high gayness. A gay radar. A gaydar. How’s it going Spidey? Or, they’re social distancing! Because of the corona!”
Peter tilted his head, giving a pointed look despite his mask concealing his face, “What do you mean by social distancing and corona?”
The katana-donning man’s eyes narrowed, “You’ll soon find out.” The X-Men then took a long swing of his drink and then hopped off replying, “Bye bitches!”
Peter only looked where Deadpool was sitting as he retorted, “Well that was weird.” The sound of replulsors coming from the Iron Man suit brought him back to reality. Just as Peter was about to duck, a Chitauri fired a blaster at him, effectively hitting him in the chest.
The blast was so strong that it sent Peter flying off the rooftop into a freefall. Peter groaned as his vision suddenely blurred and a sharp stinging sensation took over his form, ow, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick. Everything happened quickly, him then realizing that he shot, and falling, and then right after, his dad appeared out of nowhere, catching the teenager before he’d crash onto rock-hard concrete.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...