Backstory: Peter Rogers is fourteen years old, and the year is 2018, except there was no Civil War. The Accords were presented, but the team worked it out with the government. Peter isn’t Spiderman yet. So basically, Steve has been going out on a lot more missions than he planned on, one every day, and he was leaving Peter all alone and left out. Peter begins to think that his dad doesn’t love him.
Yo this is almost 3K words. Can we get this to at least a hundred likes and the last one 60 likes? Or 69 ;).
Steve Rogers had been on missions nearly every day of four months. It wasn’t his fault, but there were more criminals every day, and SHIELD had picked some HYDRA on their radar. So yeah, crime was on an all time high.
He had to go to work at around seve am, just enough to plant a kiss on Peter’s forehead as he took off for work and by the time he came home, Peter was already sound asleep. He did feel bad for leaving the fourteen year old alone, or at school, but duty called.
Today was no different, today Steve had to go check out some mercenaries in Hell’s Kitchen, and quickly pulled his stealth suit on and planted a kiss on Peter’s forehead as he was eating breakfast, “I love you buddy, have fun at school okay?” Peter only nodded keeping his eyes trained on the food in front of him as his Papa left him once again for work.
It wasn’t that Peter didn’t like his dad being Captain America, he was the Captain’s biggest fan, but Peter felt a twinge of loneliness as his Papa kept leaving him and coming home so late. Steve was hardly home and by the time he came home, Steve went off to bed. Steve had planned on taking Peter to the movies to watch the newest movie but once again, he had to go to work.
He missed his Papa. He hated sleeping alone, he always felt that something bad was going to happen to him, and there wouldn’t be anyone to save him. He wished that his Papa could help him with his homework sometimes, or be there to cuddle with. And the times when the bullying from Flash and his Crabbe and Goyle, he wished he had shoulder to cry on. But as usual, his dad was off to work.
The other Avengers didn’t have to work that much. And if it was a weekend, Steve would just dump him off to the tower for someone to take responsibilty of him. Even on his birthday. Everyone else was there, except for the one person that really mattered to him. He hid the tears enjoying the small party that the people who did care threw for him.
School was becoming harder, and he needed help, but there was no one for him to help. And he didn’t have any friends, except for Ned, who struggled even more than he did.
He shook his head focusing on getting to school on time before Flash could taunt him about another thing. He walked alone in the rain wishing his Papa could have taken him. He didn’t know about the bullying.
Peter arrived two minutes late, and quietly sank into his seat trying to keep as much of a low-profile as he could when Flash tauntingly shouted, “Miss! Pen-Parker is late!” And suddenely all eyes were on him. And on top of that, Ned was absent today. Which meant that Flash could insult Peter as many times as he wanted.
Peter merely sighed as he opened his notebook copying down the notes for History. He wondered if Steve missed him, or was too busy to even lend a thought to him.
The rest of the day was hell.
Flash tripped Peter sending him crashing down onto the floor turning all the attention to him. His cheeks tinted rosy as blush creeped up his face. And then Flash shoved him into a toliet, three times for good measure, and then laughed when Peter got the answer wrong.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...