Tony Stark is always going to be there for his boy, and there’s nothing on this damn planet that will ever change that. Period. (This is fluff, but fluff always drives from angst, but it’s very little compared to what I usually write, hint hint Cassandra.
Peter really gave it his all when he was dating Liz. He got her flowers, chocolate, and always made her feel special. He really liked her. But what he didn’t know was that Liz was just doing this all for a bet, and didn’t really love Peter.
Peter’s heart skipped a beat as Liz texted him to hang out at the corner pizzeria straight after school. And imagine his surprise, no, imagine the hurt he felt when Liz walked in with another guy, who just so happened to be Flash Thompson and kissed him smack on the lips.
Peter felt confused, but him and Liz had been dating for about a year. And she hated Flash? He was confused, and all alone he felt like an outsider. Liz strode up to him, with a smirk on her face, cooing as if he was an innocent baby, “Oh Peter.” She spoke flatly, “If only someone loved you. See, I don’t really love or like you. I think you’re annoying and quite honestly, a complete waste of space. But, a bet is a bet. I can’t believe you actually thought that I liked you. That’s as pathetic as you are.” She turned hot on her heels leaving Peter alone and sniffling. Flash pointed at him, “Yo, look! He’s crying! What a baby!
Peter felt like crying, correction, he felt like bawling. He didn’t understand what was so wrong with him? It took him a few seconds to actually process that his girlfriend had broken up with him. He bit harshly, she wasn’t even his girlfriend. But he enjoyed every second, every moment with her, whether or not she did was the question. In which the answer was no.
Peter walked out of the pizzeria, all the taunting laughter sounded drowned, and the only thing he could think about was the awful words that Liz had said. He wanted his Dad.
He kept walking towards the Tower, doing his best to hold his tears on the streets, but that only hurt his heart more. He found his dad working in his lab. He sniffled softly as he wrapped his arms around the back of his father, desperately needing a hug. Tony returned the hug in a lean and turned around when he heard his son sniffle. He stroked his son’s cheek softly, “Peter, what’s wrong?” He was only met with big watery eyes as Peter threw himself around Tony’s neck and began to cry.
Tony softly stroked Peter’s back asking softly, “Pete, honey, talk to me? Please? Kid? Tell me what happened? Please?” Peter sank to his knees and Tony scooped the trembling boy which only caused the waterworks. Peter whispered, “Liz, she, she broke up with me.” Tony immediately softened holding Peter tight as he brushed his curls from his face, “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.”
Peter cried harder, “Except, she didn’t actually want to be my girlfriend. She said that she was faking it, all of it.” He sobbed, “All for a bet! Because I was annoying and a waste of space!” Tony rubbed the back of Peter’s head pressing a soft kiss. “Baby, I’m so sorry. She’s just stupid (ooo tony) and doesn’t realize just how beautiful and amazing Peter Stark, or as she knows you Peter Parker is. You’re not annoying, and you are most certainly not a waste of space. I promise you.”
Peter sniffled once again as he leaned into his father’s chest speaking in an innocent voice, “I don’t understand, why didn’t she like me? What’s so wrong with me?” Tony looked down at the shaking bundle in his arms as he draped a blanket that just so happened to be there over him pressing a firm kiss to Peter’s forehead, “Absolutely three thousand percent nothing. Yeah, really. You, Peter Anthony Stark is (are?) the most perfect person in the entire world, in the entire galaxy, hell, in the entire universe.”
Peter looked up at his father sniffling, “Really?”
Tony nodded solemnly showing just how serious he was, “Yep. Three thousand percent.”
A/N: Go on YouTube. Yes you. Search: Thor sings old town road parody. Trust me, you won't regret it. And if you do, well go ahead and sue me. You'll never find my non-existent credit card. Mwhahaha.
Guess who ACED her Regents which means FINALLY more updates?
If you didn't guess me then idk what to tell u
So, I'm sad. Why. Endgame.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...