Take Me In Your Arms (Forgetting All You Couldn't Do Today]

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Peter Rogers trudged down his school hallway, singing to himself a tune in his head as he entered his Geometry classroom and settled down into his seat. The thirteen year old opened his notebook and began to work on the starter question, focusing more on the question than what was happening around him. So out of tune with his environment, that he failed to notice his iconic school bother of a classmate swoop past him, causing all of his books to fall off his desk and his pencil somehow scratching through his work. Peter sighed as he picked up his books and resumed working while addressing, “You know Flash, you don’t have to go out of your way for me like that, I’m flattered.”

“Shut it penis,” Flash hissed. 

Their teacher chastised, “Parker and Thompson, would you care to share your conversation with the rest of the class?”

Peter’s cheeks slightly flushed pink as he shook his head, getting started on the next set of problems ahead of him. The rest of the class went fine, with the exception of Flash crumpling up paper balls and throwing them at the back of Peter’s head. 

By the end of class, Peter was beyond irritated. Flash kept on chucking mentioned paper balls to his head, and his boring teacher’s droning on and on certainly didn’t make his situation any better. He was just about ready to leave when the bell rang to his favorite class, History, when his teacher decided to hand out last week’s quizzes. 

Peter’s face fell as his teacher handed him back the piece of paper. Last week’s quiz was on some material that was actually challenging for the boy to comprehend, and it didn’t help that another Chitauri invasion had to happen the night before. And what most definitely didn’t blow over the teenager was his teacher’s frown of disappointment as he concluded somewhat bitterly, “I expected better from you Parker.” 

Parker was the fake last name Steve insisted upon because if any of the Avenger’s enemies found out who Peter really was, they’d definitely try and hurt him in vengeance or retaliation, and Steve wouldn’t let that happen. Ever. The way the words rolled off his teacher’s tongue were sharp and stingy. 

Peter hung his head, folding the paper in his hand so no one could see the disappointing grade as he trudged to History, which was all the way on the other side of the hall. He dodged through groups of people who couldn’t be bothered to not be tardy at least one throughout the entire semester, only stopping when he bumped into Flash. 

He didn’t know it was Flash as he mumbled apology after apology as he avoided elbows and shoulders. His stomach sank when the person in front of him voiced snootily, “Well, well, well, what do we have here? If it isn’t the newest flunk.”

Already beating himself up about the grade, Peter looked away speaking lowly, “Shut up Flash.”

Flash had the audacity to laugh, causing Peter’s stomach to hurt even more, “And why would I do that? I have the right to say what I want to whoever, it’s called the First Amendment. Ever heard of it?”

Peter already knew that, as well as at least ten other ones from reading old history textbooks for fun, but decided to keep that comment to himself. And to correct Flash, that went only if whatever he was to say wouldn’t harm the rights of another. He spoke dryly, “I had no idea Flash, wow. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

Flash stepped in front of him again, preventing Peter from getting to class despite the bell ringing, “Oh, looks like the orphan wants to get all sassy. Well then,” he said as he shoved Peter against the wall, “Let’s get sassy.”

Doing so, caused Peter to drop his quiz. Flash picked it up and snickered, “A C-? I knew you did bad, but I didn’t think that bad, I wonder what your parents would think, oh wait, you don’t have any.” He chortled as he waved the paper with a C- scrawled in pen in Peter’s face. 

Kid, tell me what happened: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now