A/N: I did a pretty big jump from the last one shot to this, in terms of content. I needed to rant and writing always relaxes me, but I incorporated Peter into myself. If that makes any sense.
Peter Parker knew that he was messed up. He was too skinny. Too dumb. Too nerdy. Too annoying. Talked too much. Ugly. Peter Parker knew that he wasn't smart. Peter Parker knew that he was cursed. Everyone he grew close to him, left him with a stab in the heart.
Growing up with the lack of parents made him the prime target on the playground field where fellow kids said whatever they wanted, no regard and no filter. Ever since the age of six he never understood why people just don't seem to like him.
The bullying had become normalcy, a daily routine where he'd forced himself off the scraped concrete to spend an entire nine months with twenty-nine other people who couldn't stand to look at him. He always was the odd one out, whether it was on the playground or whenever it was time to find a partner. It was an unwritten rule.
The insults became worse as Peter got older, where his childhood bullies understood what words meant and knew how to use them in the right way to make him feel like the worst person on the entire planet.
When Uncle Ben died when Peter was only ten years old, he felt that emotional guilt and panic when blood only seeped out of the bullet wound and his eyes fluttered closed. Peter felt dirty, pained like a part of him had died. And it made the news. And people put two and two together.
And the bullying only got worse.
Peter didn't make his first friend until the sixth grade, and the two had immediately bonded. Peter was careful not to disagree on anything because anything could be a reason to leave Peter Parker, and he liked having a friend.
Having a friend made him feel warm and happy inside. That he had someone out of an entire school who only saw, and recognized his flaws.
He really did cherish all those moments. Ned soon saw just how pathetic he was when Flash stuck his head in a toilet bowl. Was he surprised? No. Did it hurt? So much.
After his only friend left him, he became the butt of every single joke, and grew to hate himself.
He was too geeky. Too annoying. Too dumb. Too useless.
Over the years, he started to have anxiety whenever he felt panic and when talking to people. His doctor called it social anxiety. May had looked at him with such rage that he wanted to bawl his eyes out.
Wasn't he messed up enough?
The car ride home was silent, if anything uncomfortable. May spat at him that he was a freak. That was a new one, and it stung particularly hard. She locked him in a closet for three days without food. Peter felt betrayed and hurt, the pained ache in his heart only growing.
He was used to the ache in his heart. After all, it only increased more and more every day.
Why was he so messed up?
What had he done that was so wrong?
Peter quickly learned that he was useless when he fell over when someone tripped him. Aunt May hits him. Peter feels scared, sad, and hurt but who does he have left?
MJ, the girl of his dreams called him a freak and had no chance with her. She was right, if his own Aunt didn't want him, who else would?
When Tony Stark came into his life, it felt like something good was going to happen. Under the right guidance, he could become a really good superhero.
Why he thought he would do so good was beyond his understanding.
The media sees him as a vigilante, and now the police are after him.
He's all alone, and it's a cold, dark world out there.
At least he still had Mister Stark, right?
Peter Parker looked at the cold, unforgiving look in the eyes of the one person he looked up to, the eyes of Mister Stark and felt his heart shatter into itty bitty pieces. He thought that in all the darkness that followed him, he had a little bit of light. His beacon of hope. But of course, he had to go and screw it up. Typical Peter Parker.
He began to walk away, fighting his very core to not break down into sobs when Tony spoke in a venom-laced tone, that not even actual villains were lucky enough to hear. "Just where the hell do you think you're going?" Peter turned around about to explain when Tony started yelling, "You do not get to walk away from this! I let you in because I saw potential, a bit of myself in there but I was wrong. You just wanted the title, didn't you? Because if you actually cared, you wouldn't have messed up! But of course, you do! That's all your fucking good at!"
Peter did his very best not to cry as Tony continued yelling, "You think 'cause you're a kid, it's okay to always mess up. If you were smart, and you cared about the people that you were supposed to save there wouldn't have been anyone to die! If you were strong and able, your webs wouldn't have given out on you, AND THE FUCKING BUSES WOULDN'T HAVE CRASHED!"
Tony's face was now a crimson red, "This is all your fault!"
Peter interjected stammering, "Mi, Mist" but Tony quickly cut him off. "NO! THIS IS WHERE YOU ZIP IT! THE ADULT IS TALKING!"
Peter cast his head down in shame, tears falling as Tony continued yelling, "You're just a stupid, dumb kid! No wonder everyone leaves you! You're a curse, Parker! A plague, and I for one will not be brought down because of you! I HATE YOU! I'm taking away the suit, it's for the best."
Peter remained still, doing his very best not to cry, but that holding feeling in his heart only made him feel worse.
Tony seethed at him. "Get out. Now."
Peter didn't need to be told twice as he ran into the elevator and out onto the streets finding an alley and completely breaking down. What was so wrong with him?
What was so wrong with him that May kicked him out?
He was a curse, a demon in society. He just sucked everything away.
Would it be better if I was gone?
It would.
Peter gave up, ache consuming his heart as he found a knife in a trash can and stabbed his heart, for the first time, not feeling the ache in his heart.
A/N: Well that was pretty dark.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...