Some days are good days, and other days are on the tougher side. But sometimes, there’s that perfect salty-sweet mix that reminds Peter that everything’s going to be okay. Days like today, for instance.
Peter Stark woke up with a longing desire to linger in the warmth of his covers, safely tucked from the outside world. The teenager exhaled softly, remembering that his dad was on a mission with his uncles Steve and Thor, so Natasha was taking care of him until the heroes returned back safe and sound.
He heard the voice of Natasha call with a smile, “C’mon Peter, you have school today!”
Peter forced himself out of the covers calling back, “Coming Aunt Nat!” The cold bit at his skin, making the boy shiver as he rummaged through his clothes for a pair of pants and the warmest sweater that he could find. After ensuring that his outfit would guarantee him enough warmth as well as supplying an ideal amount of comfort, he headed to brush his teeth and then breakfast.
He smiled at the sight of Natasha, the Black Widow who also happened to be the world’s deadliest and most tactful spy and assassin who also happened to be a true Russian with a smile on her face she was surrounded by the wafting sound of pancakes as well as an overwhelming amount of syrup all over the kitchen.
Natasha saw the poked fun look on her nephew’s face as she threatened him with a butter knife, “Tell your father, and…”
Peter cocked a brow, amused, “You’ll what? Butterknife me?”
Natasha coyly smirked, “No more pancakes for you маленький паук.”
Peter feigned a gasp as he dug into the meal, “You wouldn’t dare.” He spoke as he swallowed a forkful of pancakes into his mouth.
Natasha tutted with an amused grin of her own, “Chew, swallow, then speak.” She eyed the boy’s apparel, “Good. You’re dressed warmly, it’s cold. And from what your dad told me your senses make you more vulnerable to the cold, so I’ll pick you up.” She flashed Peter a look, threatening him to argue otherwise, “And don’t worry, it’s no big deal. C’mon, I’m taking you today and Romanoffs aren’t late.”
Peter inquired amused, “Romanoffs?” He slipped on his coat as pulled on his backpack as he followed his aunt into one of his dad’s cars.
Natasha replied with a wink, “Honorary Romanoff to you Mister Stark.”
Peter chuckled as Natasha drove, “Well consider me honored then.”
The ride was relatively short, approximately fifteen minutes with light traffic. Natasha pulled up at Midtown’s curb, “Have fun, okay? Anyone who bothers you, just let me know. I’ll take care of it.”
Peter only waved goodbye as he entered the facility, expecting a good normal day.
Ten minutes in, and it was not a good day.
Both of his friends Ned and MJ weren’t present, and from the smirk that Flash wore, Peter knew that the idea of a good day was thrown out the window.
Especially with the smirk that Flash was wearing.
Peter counted down to three when Flash taunted, “Well Peter, looks like you don’t have your fat friend or your loser of a girlfriend to defend the little honor you have this time, huh?” His eyes sparkled deviously, “Which means that today, it’s just you and me. And I can’t wait.”
Peter ignored Flash as he slid into his seat, which happened to be right in front of Flash. He was in the middle of copying notes when he felt something hit the back of his neck. Peter rolled his eyes as he moved up in his seat, refusing to give Flash the satisfaction or the attention that he had craved so. God, some people are so annoying.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...