Take me home where i can sing and drown pt 1
A/N: In case the whole title didn't show up it's Take Me Home Where I can Sing and Drown (pt 1). This was an idea I came up with for archive of our own, so I'll post each chapter here. So it's a one shot series that y'all will hate me for. I'm not sure if this counts as a trigger warning but minor level of torture. For now eheheh....
______________________________________Peter Stark didn’t plan on a lot of things. He didn’t plan on staying up until two am studying for a precalculus exam, and he didn’t plan on not sleeping for the past three days, but hey, when life throws Starks lemons, they make a whole ass suit and take off to space. It’s just what they do. However, Peter who had four pop quizzes this week, two very important exams, plus was out on patrol until three am because god forbid the police do their actual job. So saying that he was exhausted was an understatement.
He woke up on a lazy Saturday to Tony Stark calling him at the ungodly hour of seven am. Peter groggily pulled himself out of bed following FRIDAY’s voice to his lab where his father-figure was apparently “giddy with excitement,'' FRIDAY's words, not his. He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands as he slid into a seat yawning. He spoke groggily, “What was so important that you had to wake me up on a Saturday at seven am? Was the school weak not enough?” Tony leaned forward with a childish smirk on his face, “As sleep worthy Saturdays’ are, I figured out a way to make Rhodey’s suit become Hello Kitty themed without him knowing. What do you say?”
The sixteen year old immediately became wide awake despite the yawn exclaiming, “What are you waiting for?” The older man chuckled as he pulled the sleepy sixteen year old on his lap, “You can sleep against me, the stool isn’t good for your back.” Peter wasn’t going to complain, he cherished every moment curled up against his dad, he thrived on positive touch.
Fast forward three more hours and War Machine’s suit now had a feature that turned him into Hello Kitty Machine. Peter couldn’t stop snickering at the idea of Rhodey making some badass comment and then his suit turns pink, white, and red while playing “Hello kitty, hello kitty” over on a constant loop until he says, “Iron Man is better than War Machine” three times.
After they were done, Tony carried Peter up the stairs for to cook up some breakfast. Peter spoke while the two quietly ate their waffles, “Dad? Is it okay if I go over to Ned’s later? He got a new lego set, ten thousand pieces!” Tony chuckled nodding, “Alright, you two Star Wars nerds can commerce. You want Happy to drive you?” Peter shook his head, “Nah, I’ll walk, I don’t want to be a burden on him.” Tony shook his head giving Peter a serious look, “Peter, you aren’t a burden. You never have, and you never will. We all love you, whoever has been planting these thoughts in your head is going to get their butt kicked by Iron Man and Hello Kitty Machine.” Peter snickered at the visual concept.
Little did Peter know that by not taking Happy, he was making one of the worst mistakes of his life.
Peter threw on a pun t-shirt and a pair of jeans calling out to his dad as he slid on his shoes, “I’m going to Ned’s now. FRI, make sure you let Dad know.” FRIDAY let out a hum in response as Peter walked to Ned’s house.
Peter had his earbuds in humming a tune when his spidey senses began to tingle. He removed on ear bud as he glanced around but nothing looked suspicious. He put the earbud back in continuing to walk the halfway left.
He was another block closer when somethng sharp jabbed him and the next thing Peter knew there was so much darkness.
Peter’s eyes fluttered open as he slowly regained consiousness. The music in his ears were gone leaving with him with an unwelcome silence. And why was he lying down? He tried to get up, but something was tightly wrapped around his wrists and ankles effectively keeping him restrained.
Peter was about to ask what the hell was happening because this was definetly not Ned’s house when a man he had never seen in his entire before walked in with a unsettling smile across his face.
The man was wearing ordinary clothes and didn’t look threatening in any shape, way, or form. Peter mustered a cold look asking, “Who are you?” He hoped he sounded brave, because as sheltered and protected as he was, he had never been kidnapped before. As ironic as it sounds, Tony made sure that no supervillains could get their hold on the one thing he’d kill for without a heartbeat.
The man only spoke in a kind-hearted voice, “Peter Stark. Age 16. Goes to Midtown High. Best friend is Ned Leeds, and Michelle Jones. Only living parent Tony Stark.” He spat the last two words on Peter’s face causing him to flinch. Peter nervously chuckled, “Sorry sir, but I can’t help you.” Then the man’s eyes darkened. “Oh, you will, you’ll see.” The man continued walking over to a table with a bunch of tools that Peter didn’t understand what they were for, and honestly they looked pretty terrifying for him speaking, “As much as I love chitchat, I do believe that’s bedtime for you Stark.”
Peter tried to escape the restraints as the man brought over a needle that was far too big for his liking, triggering his phobia of needles only for the man to grab his arm and keep it still as he brought the needle to his shoulder. Damn, he was stronger than he looked.
Peter tried to fight the darkness that was threatening to consume him, but his body slowly caved in, and the next thing he knew he had returned to a dark abyss.
When Peter woke, the man that had kidnapped him was sitting in a chair with a pleased expression. He feigned concern, “Oh good, for a second I thought that I gave you too high of a doze for your spider abilities.” Peter’s blood went cold, “What are you talking about?”
The man shook his hand and Peter never wanted to recoil out of disgust more in his entire life, as he introduced, “Hello Spiderman, I’m Quentin Beck.” Peter’s mouth opened but no words came out, “How?”
Beck replied, “I used to work for your father Peter. I put all the pieces together. Why else would Iron Man and Spiderman be so close? Tony tried to keep you away from the press, but I cracked the code. Found a few other ex-Stark employees that he fired.”
Peter spat, “So this is what it’s about? Revenge? Classic villain ploy.” Beck spoke, “NO! I created technology that made illusions to the user’s will. And what did Stark do? He claimed the invention as his own, fired me for ‘being unstable’ and left me!”
Peter spoke, “Yeah I’m guessing he was right, because that doesn’t entitle you to kidnap his son.” Beck sneered, “Think you’re such a smart mouth don’t you?”
Peter didn’t see the blade, he could only feel his spidey senses continously blare and something sharp pierce his side.
Ouch. That hurts. Like a buttcheek on a stick. Hah. Oww. That really does hurt.
Peter bit back a scream as he looked down at his side, eyes widening at the sight of a blade inside his chest. And then the lights went out.
A/N: If y'all didn't hate me before, y'all will now.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...