A/N: hey dudes! It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? I'm truly sorry about my inactivity lately, and I know words don't fix it bit I hope they can be of any consolation as I say that now I'll be much more active. I was going through some things (aren't we all?) and thankfully I'm doing better. I wrote this a while ago on a rough day. Fun fact, my lower eyelashes are double layered. No wonder there's always something getting in my eyes. Any tips to keep lashes from curling into your eyeballs would he greatly appreciated ty.
Peter sniffled as the cold bit all over his small frame, he rubbed his arms tighter across his chest in an attempt to generate more heat. Peter hated the cold, it made him feel more small and vulnerable than he already was at this dangerous place.
Peter was seated at the farthest corner of the door, chocolate-colored curls blocked his vision as the ten year old trembled slightly, panic and fear scrawled into his shaded irises.
His papa, Bucky as the man had told him was on a mission of sorts. Peter hated the missions that his papa was forced to, but he knew the consequences of saying no. Peter, for instance, had an overwhelming amount of red lines broken into his skin, marked by at least three different knives.
Everyday HYDRA hurt him. It wasn't enough that they had stripped him away of what little honor and humanity Peter had left, but to constantly reinforce the ideology of who was the superior and who the inferior was that left Peter weak and limp as blood refused to slow it's spill, leaving his papa to patch the boy up.
Out of nowhere, the door that Peter dreaded for many reasons was thrown open and Peter bit his lip so hard a metallic taste flooded his mouth.
In came the uniformed men that Peter loathed more than life itself along with his papa whose eyes shone emptily and distant.
Peter was going to open his mouth but from the glint in his papa's eyes he knew otherwise.
Two of the guards approached him and Peter shook his head pleading, "No, no, no, leave me alone. Get away from me, please!"
The guards didn't bother arguing vocally, instead they grabbed Peter by an arm each and started to drag him away.
Peter called out while weakly attempting to free himself, "Papa, please! Help me!” He frowned at the confliction in his papa’s eyes, something was captivating his papa and Peter hated when that happened. “Papa!’ He exclaimed while trying to get the men off him again, only to receive a slap on the face.
That triggered Bucky to stand up and turn sharply toward the man who had delivered the blow to Peter. Before Bucky could do anything, a needle was thrust through the flesh of the veteran’s neck, subduing him.
Peter was dragged into the room that he had grown to hate very well. The men threw him onto the medical table which was nothing more than a cold slab of metal and wasted no time in tying the boy up so that not even his accelerated strength could save him.

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...