Stay with me (and never let me go)

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Four year old Peter giggled as his teacher read aloud, “The boy went home, happily ever after.” His friend, Harry poked him, careful not to disturb the teacher, “What’s so funny Peter?”

Peter replied with a grin, “Nothing, I just like happy endings. That’s all.”

Harry nodded as if the secrets of the known universe had just been revealed to him. He nodded solemnly, “Cool.”

Peter continued to listen to his kindergarten teacher go on and on while at the same time thinking about what he and his Papa would do after school. Yesterday, his Papa said that if he ate all his dinner, Peter could get a special treat the next day, and Peter ate all his dinner. Which meant that he was going to get a treat today, and plus, his Papa never broke any of his promises. 

And soon enough, it was time to go home. Peter quickly packed his books together and slipped on his coat and scarf just how his Papa had taught him. Within a matter of minutes, Peter had spotted his Papa amongst all the parents at dismissal time. Since it was below freezing point, Steve was also dressed in a jacket and scarf, which doubled as a disguise. He waved at a very excited Peter Rogers. 

The toddler exclaimed as he latched his hand onto Steve’s, “Hi Papa!”

Steve chuckled at his son’s enthusiasm, “Hello yourself. How was school? And I didn’t forget your treat, it’s waiting for us at home.”

Peter smiled as his Papa took hold of his Captain America backpack, “School was good. How was your day?”

Steve responded with a smile, “It was good bud, thank you for asking.”

The father and son continued their walk back to the Avengers Tower, talking about what Peter did at school, when Steve paused to tie his shoes. He wasn’t tying them for long, but when he looked up his face contorted into one of fear. He didn’t know how but a man was holding Peter by the scruff of his neck and held a gun to his temple. 

Peter let out a whimper, terrified out of his mind, “Papa, I’m scared.” He bit his lip as his eyes watered, not liking any of this. He wanted to be in his Papa’s arms, not this man who wanted to hurt him. It was hard not to feel scared. 

Steve flashed Peter a reassuring look, “It’s going to be okay bear, no one’s gonna hurt you.” The Avenger raises his hands to his sides, careful not to provoke the man with a gun into doing something that he would most definitely regret. He asked with worry flooding his tone, “Just put him down, please. You’re scaring him.” Steve felt his heart break as tears raced each other down Peter’s petrified face. Poor kid must be scared out of his mind. 

The man gripped his gun tightly shouting, “Wallet or I shoot.” He curled a finger around the trigger, almost daring Steve to do otherwise. Peter let out a low whimper, and Steve felt a blow to his heart. 

Steve nodded urgently, “Okay, you can have it, just don’t hurt him. I’m taking it out of my pocket.” He kept one hand clearly visible as he used the other to pull out his wallet. He didn’t have much on him, only a few dollar bills that were probably tens or twenties. He tossed his wallet at the man’s feet, he didn’t care about the money, no amount was too much to have Peter safe in his arms. He’d do anything for his kid, and absolutely nothing would stop him from keeping his son safe. Or he’d die trying. 

Speaking of his son. Peter was quietly crying in the man’s hold, more so when the man pressed the gun harder against his forehead. 

Steve raised his hands once again, “Here, take it. Can I please have my son back?” He didn’t care how desperate he sounded, Peter was the best thing he had, and he hated seeing him so hurt and scared. 

The mugger gave Steve a look as he dropped Peter to the ground. He spat as he snatched the wallet and took off, “Take your little brat.”

Steve caught Peter before he could fall onto the concrete and took off the rest of the way home. He kept his arms tight around Peter, more so when he felt his jacket turn wet. He whispered soft reassurances into Peter’s ears, “You’re okay, I got you. You’re safe now.”

The Avenger didn’t stop until they were safe in the elevator of the Tower. Peter, who had his head buried in the crook of Steve’s neck whispered shakily, “Papa? We home now?”

Steve let a relieved sigh escape his lips, “Yeah kiddo. We’re home, and you’re safe.”

Peter whimpered, “That was scary, Papa.”

Steve looked down at the crying bundle sandwiched in his arms, “I know kiddo, I know. I’m so sorry about that. Did he hurt you anywhere? Hurt?”

Peter trembled as he shook his head, “No, just scared.” He fisted Steve’s jacket material as he laid his head there. He let his eyes flutter shut until the elevator let out a soft chime, indicating that the pair had arrived at their floor, or commonly known as the Avengers floor. 

Steve mustered an affectionate smile, “We can take care of that.” He moved a hand to rub Peter’s back, “You did good Pete, I know you were terrified but you were so brave.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Peter’s head, “I’m so proud of you.”

Peter said nothing but a two-worded reply, “Still scary.”

Steve carried Peter to the room they shared, “I know. But the scary part’s over now. You’re safe now. Papa bear promise.” He didn’t loosen his hold on Peter as he peeled off his coat and scarf, being indoors now. The Avenger rubbed soft circles on Peter’s back, attempting to soothe his son’s jittery nerves. He peered down at the trembling bundle enclosed between his arms as he settled on their bed, “Peter, what can I do to make it better?”

Peter answered quietly, “Can you cuddle with me?” He tightened his hold on Steve’s sweater, try as he might, he couldn’t get the ordeal out of his head. The toddler yawned, overwhelmed from the day’s events, burying his weary head against Steve’s heart that only beated for him. He whispered tightly, “Please?”

Steve reassuringly nodded, cupping Peter’s head against his chest as he traced patterns with his thumb pads. He replied, “Sure, anything you want. After the day we had, I think we could use some rest. In fact, no school for you tomorrow, just resting alright. You sure you’re okay? You know I wasn’t going to let him hurt you, right? No amount is too much to keep you safe in my arms.”

A small smile curved up Peter’s lips, “Really?”

Steve’s baby blue eyes lit fondly as he planted a kiss on top of Peter’s ruffled curls, “Of course, you’re my baby bear to protect forever.” He lifted the exhausted toddler and tucked the two of them under the covers. He draped the covers up to Peter’s chin when the toddler inquired with panic urgent in his tone,  “Papa, what if the bad dreams come?”

Steve solemnly smiled, “Then I’ll keep you safe. And not just me, but your present too. I told you I didn’t forget.” He sat up, reaching for something in a blue bag on the nightstand parallel to the bed. He pulled out a medium-sized stuffed clownfish explaining, “I know how much you love Finding Nemo, so I got you your own Nemo. And now, not only will I protect you, but he can too.” 

Peter couldn’t help the grin that tugged on his lips as Steve handed him the clownfish that he held to his chest, “Thank you, Papa! I love him so much! In fact, I’m going to name him Timmy! Now, I’m going to be Timmy’s Papa too! Just like you, Papa!”

Steve chuckled as Peter hugged the fish, now named Timmy tightly, “I’m glad you like your present, now let’s get some rest, alright?” He pulled Peter close to his chest, “I promised you I’d cuddle with you, and you know I don’t break my promises” He planted a kiss on Peter’s head as he rubbed his forefinger on Peter’s temple, “Sweet dreams, I love you so much.”

And the next thing the man knew, Peter was sound asleep curled against his chest. 

A/n: dont forget to vote or leave a comment if you liked the oneshot.

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