Take Me Home Where I can Sing and Drown part 7

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A/N: Posting twice in a week? Sarah who? Sarah me. Lol, this chapter gets really intense, so heads up.

The last thing Peter felt was his heart seize as it began to skip beats. And then the terrifying darkness where the monsters lurked beneath. 

Peter felt like he was swimming in darkness, and he couldn’t evade the drowning feeling that made his lungs sink as his gut twitched. 

He felt like he was suffocating and he was only being pulled darker into the lurking forces. He hung in the interlude, unable to reach up, or will himself to sink further. 

Peter screamed at himself-"Wake up!”

Peter’s eyes were open, yet all he saw was the surrounding darkness. 

He screamed louder, willing to return back to the unforgiving reality, “Wake up Peter!”

He smacked his eyes with the palm of his hands as a frustrated groan escaped through his lips as he found himself doubting where he was and screamed, “WAKE UP PETER!”

He was sure he was awake when his body jolted as a scream trailed away on his lips. Except, all he saw was the same, dangerous darkness. 

He peered around confused, this wasn’t the same room that he had spent the rest of his torture. So where the heck was he?

Was he dead? 

Peter shook his head, the idea seemed distant yet at the same time, disturbingly somewhat welcomed. Death would be his ticket out of whatever torture Beck still had awaiting for him. He wasn’t sure that he could continue like this, especially when no one was even coming for him. 

He dipped his head down as tears began to form in his eyes. He didn’t really accept his fate, but he didn’t really blame his family. He didn’t even know where the hell he was, and Beck seemed like he knew exactly how to cover his tracks. He wouldn’t be surprised if he was hidden in some place no one would even consider looking for, and then used as a guilt-trip once Beck showcased his dead body back to his family. 

Or maybe, it was that he was too annoying. Maybe his family was glad to be rid of him. His Dad would surely have more time for himself, and no longer have to worry about him, and Ned and MJ would carry out just fine in their lives. 

Maybe he’d be reunited with his mom, Pepper again. 

Shameful tears raced each other down blood-stained cheeks, he wasn’t ready to die. But if it meant peace with himself, he would be willing to take it. 

The sound of chains rattling brought an uneasiness about him. 

Am I in hell?

His thoughts were immediately discarded when he heard the overly joyous voice of Quentin Beck blare, “Rise and shine Peter, because today, is your last day we spend together, so we’re going to make it count.”

Peter’s body went rigid as he tried to comprehend what Beck was implying. Was someone coming for him? He felt like letting out a whoop of relief, but a part of him remains grim, thinking that Beck had some sort of evil trick up his sleeve. 

He did. 

Peter forced himself to his feet, and immediately collapsed onto cold concrete, forcing him to bite down so hard to the point where he drew blood from his mouth and could feel the wet substance travel down his esophagus. He whispered tightly, “Fuck.”

Immediately a jolt of electricity shot through Peter’s neck causing him to squirm in pain as he clenched his lips shut, looking to ceiling for some sort of plausible explanation. His teeth were still chattering, and day by day he felt more dead inside, like his body was giving up, and his mind wasn’t far behind. 

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