Backstory/Summary: Peter is fourteen years old (middle school-eight grade) and he gets a bad grade on his test.
___________________________________________________________________________Peter sat in his seat, barely paying attention to what his teacher was droning on about, something that they already knew, and then everything snapped back to reality when his teacher concluded, “I’m going to give back your Geometry exams, I expect them to be signed and returned by Monday, class dismissed. Enjoy your weekend.”
He handed out the tests, which each student pertained to their own reaction towards. Some were cheering with pumped up fists, disappointed with pouty faces and crooked elbows. Peter was nervous as he anticipated his grade, he really did try, he was a Rogers, how could he not, but he still thought that he didn’t do that good on. Geometry wasn’t his strong suit, well the angles were cause physics and that stuff, but not tangents and circumscribing. He didn’t get it, why does he even need to know that? What is he planning to become a circologist or something? Is that even an actual profession?
And Peter’s heart sank when his test handed him a C+, or an unwanted 77%. Peter felt a surge of disappointment course through his veins as he placed the paper in his folder to prevent anyone from seeing. He was typically known as the super-smart kid, nerd even depending on who you asked, and for his classmates to see that he failed, they’d tease him constantly for sure. Flash, he’d have a riot, and would guarantee hell for him. On top of that, Peter was worried that his Papa would be disappointed in him. Peter sucked in a breath, he really tried his hardest, and he hated to disappoint the people that mattered the most to him.
However, Flash was fast enough to see the scrawled score on Peter’s paper and taunted in an over than necessary tone, “Guys, Peter got a seventy-seven! Haha, loser!” He turned to the red-tinted boy with a sneer, “I thought you were supposed to be smart, turns out you’re just a penis.”
Peter sank in his seat as more of his classmates joined Flash’s ruse, and wished that he was home already.
And the rest of the day was pure torture.
Seeing that something was already upsetting him, Flash went out of his way to trip Peter four times, going to the point where Peter purposely waited after class to ensure that no one could trip him, or laugh at him in the hallway.
Then came time for lunch, but at least he had his best friends Ned and MJ with him.
Within five minutes Peter felt himself grow miserable as people would look his way and snicker with snide remarks about the boy wasn’t as smart as he thought he was, and “haha loser!!!” Peter sighed as he bit into the sandwich that his Papa made, smiling at the note his father always signed for him. My boy should always remember that I love him, besides my Ma did the same for me, it’s a Rogers tradition, and you know me, very traditional.
Ned offered a sympathetic smile, “Don’t worry about them Peter, they’re just trying to get on your nerves. Besides, you have us, and it’s just one bad grade. You did your best, and c’mon, everyone gets bad grades once in a while. It’s a part of life.”
Peter nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. Still feels sucky, what if Steve gets mad?”
Ned gave Peter a look, “Dude, he makes you Captain America pancakes, he’s not.”
MJ smirked, “Well if Flash utters one more word in this direction, I am going to kick him in the balls. I’ve come to the point this year where I seriously don’t give any fucks.”
Peter nodded, “Midterms coming up next week, ugh, a mood.”
Flash sauntered, “Watch Peter screw that up too, because he’s no longer a smart kid!”

Kid, tell me what happened: The Sequel
Fanfiction["I'm only one call away, and I'll be there to save the day. Superman's got nothing on me.] This is the continuation of my previous oneshots book "Kid, tell me what happened". I write Irondad and Spiderson. And some with other Avengers too. If you...